Friends First Photography
Anything that inspires you inspires me! I strive to do affordable and professional photography for everyone!#FFP
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS$.65 BoneLess and TraditionaL @eastcoastwingskingsport on #monday ? #ithinkillkissyourhead #myhashtag @visitkingsport
#panda #jeep got some new eyes today! #kc #kchilites @kchilites
This is me so please accept me for who I am, and please accept me for what I do. I'm just doing everything that I can. Cause all I wanna be is true... #Lloyd #tru #musicporn
Doing HeadShots at Foundation Title and Escrow. #photography #headshots #friendsfirstphotography
From the moment we First met, I knew we'd be paLs for life. Happy Birthday #phoenixtomlin , to the chiLd that showed me there's more to #love than I'd ever known. UncLe A Loves You!
The family is changing not disappearing. We have to broaden our understanding of it, look for the new metaphors. - Mary Catherine Bateson #FriendsFirstPhotography #FFP #photography #phoenixtomlinturns2
🦃Turkey Time🦃 @amy_burton83
#phoenixtomlin #notafan of the #carousel 👶🏼👎🏼😆 @hillrec @joshrec