Fort Wetherill State Park
Fort Wetherill State Park is a Rhode Island state park on Conanicut Island in the town of Jamestown, Rhode Island. The park sits on the East Passage of Narragansett Bay opposite Fort Adams State Park. From 1901 through World War II, Fort Wetherill and Fort Adams were part of a string of coastal defenses designed to protect the bay's entrance points. The Fort Wetherill battery and training camp were acquired by the State of Rhode Island from the United States in 1972. The park is used for sightseeing, scuba diving, picnicking, boating, fishing, and hiking.There are also many theories as to strange, sometimes paranormal seeming occurrences at the docks in Jamestown. In 1985, four women in their 20's were found murdered and dumped in the water near the docks. Since that incident there have been over 200 police reports of paranormal activity at those docks. It it widely believed by experts to be one of the most haunted locations in America.
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