FSSP Dallas: Mater Dei Catholic Church
2030 E St Hwy 356, Irving TX - Mater Dei Latin Mass Parish is a parish of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas, served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter. Mater Dei Latin Mass Parish is served by the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter with the approval and blessing of the Most Reverend Kevin J. Farrell, Bishop of the Diocese of Dallas.
All Masses and Sacraments are performed in the Latin usus antiquior of the Roman Rite, in accordance with the Missal of Blessed John XXIII published in 1962, as expressed in the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of His Holiness ,Pope Benedict XVI.
Galatians 5:14 - For all the law is fulfilled in one word: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
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facebook.comSunday Rosary: 6:30 a.m. Weekday Rosary: 30 minutes before each Mass Saturday Rosary: 7:30 a.m. https://materdeiparish.com/masses-devotions/
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Beatrice Gordon, mother of Fr. Terrence Gordon (one of our previous associate priests)
FSSP Begins First Military Chaplaincy - Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
The FSSP has its first military chaplain! Hopefully this is the beginning of a trend that will reach across the globe for those serving in our military. https://fssp.com/fssp-begins-first-military-chaplaincy/
Men's Silent Retreat w/Fr. Buckley had a few cancellations. If you're interested in going email: frassatigroup@materdeiparish.com Retreat starts 8/29 @ 5 pm & goes through 9/1 @ 1 pm. Held nearby at the retreat center in Grand Prairie.
Latin Mass, traditions bring vocations boom to US nuns
#TradTuesday Video from Lifesite about the vocations boom the Carmel of Jesus, Mary & Joseph (Pennsylvania) experienced once they were given permission to offer the Traditional Mass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2eUAg4PNIo More info about the order: https://www.fairfieldcarmelites.org/
Finding reverence in abundance with Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
Accolades for the FSSP from Legatus (An organization for Catholic business leaders) https://legatus.org/finding-reverence-in-abundance-with-priestly-fraternity-of-st-peter/
Fr. Rhone Lillard Featured on Catholic Answers Live - Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
Fr. Rhone Lillard, FSSP - an attendee of Mater Dei during his time at University of Dallas - was on the 8/1 broadcast of "Catholic Answers Live". Link below to episode on Youtube; Fr. Lillard was the second guest in the 2-hour program. https://fssp.com/fr-rhone-lillard-featured-on-catholic-answers-live/
40 Days for Fr. Donald Calloway's Book on St. Joseph - Roman Catholic Man
Fr. Heilman, aka RomanCatholicMan, is a bright shining light out there for the Catholic world!! He is tireless & inspiring in his call to help bring us all to a higher level of holiness and charity. Posted here last week about the annual 54-day Novena he spearheads (8/15-10/7), and while normally wouldn't be compelled to "feature" him twice in less than a week, this effort needs everyone who might be able to help. The priest of the fantastical-supernatural-conversion, Fr. Calloway, is writing a monumental book entitled "Consecration to St. Joseph", and, shall we say, the devil isn't happy. Fr. Heilman is encouraging those who wish to spiritually support Fr. Calloway to do a "St. Michael's Lent" - 40 days of special prayers (found at the link below) & additional fasting or penance between today & St. Michael's feast day of 9/29. St. Joseph, terror of demons, pray for us! More info about this special St. Michael's Lent: https://www.romancatholicman.com/40-days-for-fr-donald-calloways-book-on-st-joseph/
#TradTuesday Let my prayer ascend like incense in your presence, O Lord... https://materdeiparish.com/
More signs of Summer's End --- Yesterday marked the return of regular 4:45 pm Sunday Vespers. Shout-out of gratitude to the dedicated men of the St. Gregory Men's Schola who sing at both the 9 am Solemn Mass and Sunday evening vespers!
Last weekend our parish was pleased to host Ryan Grant, philosopher/theologian/historian/Latinist/speaker/Mediatrix Press founder - in general, your typical Renaissance Man - for a weekend speaking engagement regarding the Counter-Reformation period in England. An interesting period of time that has fallen prey to "the winner writes the history" - fascinating to hear the stories of the Catholic heroes & struggles of that era. Thank you to the Frassati young adult group for hosting this event for our parish! For info on Ryan Grant speaking repertoire: https://mediatrixpress.com/?page_id=1124
‘Unplanned’ movie rockets to Amazon’s #1 best selling DVD on first day of release
#1 in overall DVD sales on Amazon - "Unplanned"! Now available for sale - the story of one of the most well-known- and now Catholic! - pro-life advocates in the country. Available through the normal outlets & on its own website: www.seeunplanned.com https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/unplanned-movie-rockets-to-amazons-1-best-selling-dvd-on-first-day-of-release