Conceive Fertility Center
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facebook.comBirthday Girl Adrianna Cortez !!! Team Conceive wishes you a well deserved fabulous birthday weekend!!!
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A Semen Analysis is a test which measures the quantity/ quality of the semen and sperm. Dr. Derek Haas talks to us today about the importance of this test in practicing fertility medicine. #semenanalysis #sperm #fertility #infertility #testingsperm #spermhealth #fertilityspecialist
Conceive Fertility Center
What Is PGS? with Dr. Julian Escobar | Preimplantation Genetic Screening Part 1
Dr. Julian Escobar, a Fertility specialist at Conceive Fertility Center talks about Preimplantation Genetic Screening and why it is beneficial for you. #Infertility #Fertility #PGS #DrJulianEscobar #DrEscobar #PreimplantationGeneticScreening #Baby #ConceiveFertilityCenter
What are the differences in fresh vs. frozen embryo transfers? #ivf #fertility #infertility #embryotransfer
Delaying Fertility
What are some reasons you may want to delay your fertility? Dr. Escobar talks to us about the most common reasons he sees in his practice. #delayingchildbirth #oldermoms #olderdads #delayingfertility #preservingfertility #startingafamily #fertilityoptions #eggfreezing #eggcryopreservation #embryobanking
WE ARE MOVING!!!! We are in the same building, but suite 100!
Happy birthday Ursula Coomer! We hope is a colorful one!!! 🎂🍫🍷