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Organic Cat Café

123 College St, Greenville, United States
Coffee Shop



The Organic Cat Café, Greenville’s first Cat Cafe. We found the perfect building in the middle of downtown Greenville and created a cat-lover paradise!  Welcome to The Organic Cat Café - Greenville´s first cat cafe ever!

We want to give everyone the unique opportunity to experience cats and discover their behaviors. Cat owners can meet like-minded people and share their knowledge about our most loved pets. Other people may not be allowed to have their own cat at home or have busy work schedules which include a lot of travelling - with the Organic Cat Café you can still spend some time with cats and relax while they are purring in your lap.
Our venue is designed to offer a safe and comfortable home for our cats who let human visitors take part of their lifes for about 12hours every day. Different from the animal shelters, the cat café allows you to interact with our furry friends and learn how to treat them correctly in a surrounding which just feels like home. There are certain rules to follow while associating with cats and we can show you how it works!

Cats are much more than cute companions and can help relieving stress, improve people’s social, emotional or cognitive functioning. Today they are used for animal-assisted therapies (ATT) and can reduce depression, anxiety, and other symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorders. Especially for children the animal seems non-judgmental and are perceived as comforting, raises the child's self-esteem and makes it easier for the child to express themselves.


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