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Florence Alabama Police Department

702 S Seminary St, Florence, United States
Police Station



This is the official Facebook page of the Florence Alabama Police Department.  Re-posts, and/or hashtags do not necessarily imply endorsement.  Hashtags are for indexing purposes.  Re-posts are often to help distribute information.   This is the official Facebook page of the Florence Police Dept. Special events and happenings sponsored by the PD will be posted regularly. Check back often. Also, new pictures will be added. Visit our website -

*Note* The opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the Florence Police Dept. or it's employees. The Florence Police Department reserves the right to remove obscenities, off-topic comments, and personal attacks. Please also note that items submitted for posting are subject to public disclosure


NEIGH! I'm going to be at Zaxbys on Cox Creek TUESDAY OCT 3rd from 4pm-8pm. Come meet me and the Florence PD Mounted Patrol!

Developing situation in Las Vegas. Prayers for safety for First Responders and all of those affected by this ongoing active shooter situation.

Make sure you're following us on Instagram for all of your #9pmRoutine and #didyoulockit reminders.

Congratulations to Officer Chris Weldon. Today was his last day with our department. He is moving on to the next chapter of his life, beginning a new job next week as an engineer. During his time with our department and especially at Hibbett Middle School, Chris has impacted life after life for good. Chris you will be missed. Thank you for what you have done for your community. Godspeed brother.

Honored to partner with FHS junior class for homecoming. Thanks for the support. #FHS #WhyIWearTheBadge

Make sure you lock your doors and secure your valuables. #9pmRoutine #didulockit Sheffield Police Department Muscle Shoals Police Department Tuscumbia Police Department Lauderdale County Sheriff's Office Killen Police Department Colbert Co Sheriff's Office

It's Homecoming week at Florence High School! Today's events matched the Junior Class against our men and women in blue in a best of 3 dodgeball classic. Our officers were no match for the Juniors who ousted us 2-1. But, the real highlight of the day was Ofc. Tyler "Hype Man" Oliver who kept the crowd laughing all afternoon. #FloHS #Dodgeball #WhyIWearTheBadge #HypeMan #HeGotSkills

***PSA*** Join FPD and local law enforcement in the #didulockit campaign!! Remove your valuables and make it part of your #9pmroutine and ask #didulockit

Applications are now being accepted for the position of "Police Officer." This is a continuous job posting which means that there is no closing date. Testing will be given at regular intervals throughout the year and as postions become available. Currently there are multiple job openings within the department. Transfers are welcome! Non-certified hires will likely attend the APOSTC Academy in January. Apply now!
