Endwell United Methodist Church
We are an open, caring and loving community that welcomes doubters, seekers and believers into a deeper relationship with God and one another. Sunday Worship
9:30am Worship/Adult choir
Fellowship (Coffee & Social Time) After service
Tell your friends
Taught by ~Lynne Kimpland ~Certified Personal Trainer and Life Coach Contact lynnekimpland@yahoo.com for more information. FITTER-JISE a exercise program for all fitness levels. Sessions include a warm-up and cool down. De-stressing exercises with fat burning techniques to lose weight and get fit! The FITTER-JISE 50-minute sessions include SAFE techniques combining Strength, Agility, Flexibility and Endurance moves. Participants should bring light hand weights 1-3 lbs. a Yoga floor mat and water. Sessions will be held on Sundays and Thursdays 6-7pm Starting Sun. April 30th FITTER-JISE is open to the community. There is no cost to these exercise classes, donations are optional. All participants will need to sign a release form prior to participation.

Emergency Evacuation and Lock Down Drill scheduled for Sun. May 21st at 10:40.
Children’s Church Celebration family picnic and Playground Dedication in Loving Memory of Edward B. Goodrich is scheduled for Sunday June 25th – following worship. Bring a dish to pass and swimsuits and towels for kids.Hot dogs, chicken spiedies, drinks and ice cream provided
Rummage and Bake Sale
Doug's Fish Fry will be at the sale!

Please consider helping with cleaning up the church yard, next Sunday, April 9th following church. Pizza will be provided!
The Rummage and Bake sale will be Saturday, April 29th from 8am-1pm.
Don't forget to drop off your baked goods for Doug's Fish Fry on Friday, April 7th. The fry will take place from 11am-6pm and benefit Stop Hunger.
Maker Fun Factory Club House – Vacation Bible School Sunday July 9th –Thurs. July 13th 6-9 pm Pre-School Tinker Tots – 6-8 pm. During this action packed week kids will discover that Godmade them the way they are for a purpose
Breakfast with the Bunny
Children will enjoy a delicious breakfast, egg hunt, Picture’s with the Bunny, crafts and activities. Adults - $6 Children - $4 under 5-free

Mercy House of the Southern Tier
Thank you to everyone who participated in this wonderful mission!!!

February 5th is Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday. Please sign up to make soup! Soup will be served following both services at 9:15am and 11:30am
College Ministry Care Packages: Don't forget we are collecting items to be packed Feb 13th (Single serve snacks, treats, baked goods, notes of encouragement, and wrapped candy).