Eloy Church of Christ
Eloy Church of Christ is located in Eloy, Arizona where Bro. Eddie Williams is the mininster. We believe the church was established in AD 33 by Christ and it is the one church mnetioned in the bible. Our website is www.eloychurchofchrist.org.
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We all have something we need to repent for. We need to be thankful that God blesses us with a chance to repent. And, we need to pray for those who need to repent so they will turn to God before it's too late. God COMMANDS EVERYONE EVERYWHERE to repent.
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We should never underestimate God. All we need to do is trust Him.
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God is not listening to everyone who prays. He only hears the righteous. Is he listening to your prayers?
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The bible is crystal clear. Baptizim is essential to being saved.
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We all must give account to God for our actions individually. God doesn't judge us by what the majority does, he judges by what we do. Are you abiding in God's word?
We need to always remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us to have a chance to be saved. And, we need to remember his death every first day of the week just like he commands.
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Marriage is not "just a piece of paper". It is a sacred union that God created from the beginning to be between one man and one woman. We should not underestimate the importance of the union of marriage.
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A beautiful poem written by our sister in Christ
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Notes from the lesson in morning worship. Is there any instance in the bible with a celebration of Jesus' resurrection once a year? Are there egg hunts in the bible? Or does the bible teach us to remember Jesus' death by taking the communion every first day of the week? If it's not in the bible, where does it come from?
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