Edgewater Alliance Church
Bringing the gospel to every man, woman, and child Living the Call Together!
Sunday Morning Service Times:
Contemporary Worship Services:
9:00am & 10:30am
Student Ministries 6-12th grade D-Teams: 10:30am
Little Sprouts Nursery Birth - Pre-K:
9am & 10:30am
Kid City K - 5th grade:
9am & 10:30am
*Summer hours for Kid City:
10:30am only
Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
For more information and to get connected, check out our website at www.edgewateralliance.org
Our Denomination:
The Alliance focuses on planting churches in the U.S. and overseas. More than 800 missionaries and workers minister in 50-plus countries planting churches, training national church leaders, and providing relief and development assistance, medical and dental care, and micro-enterprise projects. Nearly 2,000 churches in the U.S. minister Christ’s love to their communities and cities.
Living the Call Together describes what The Alliance is and does—living out the preeminence of Jesus, fulfilling His Great Commission, in an alliance made of up of churches around the world.
Tell your friends
facebook.comOur sincere condolences to Pastor Dave and his family in the loss of his mother, Betty Dussel, in an auto accident this week in Michigan. Visitation is on Sunday 7/9 from 3pm-8pm and the service is scheduled for Monday 7/10 at 11am, at Nixon Chapel in Wyandotte, MI. Please keep the family in your prayers for the Lord's peace and comfort.
Ladies, don't miss this year's Alliance Women's Retreat! Friday-Sunday, October 13-15 at The Shores Resort & Spa in Daytona Beach Shores. Registration is $90 through Sept. 1st and can be done online only through Southeast Alliance Women using this form: https://alliancesoutheast.wufoo.com/forms/z1vt7c3a1wq3kqg/ If you'd like to reserve a room at the hotel and stay during the retreat, the hotel number is 866-935-7467 * Flyers with additional info available at the ConneXion Center.
We're getting ready for the 2017/2018 Children's Ministry year! The new year begins in September and we are building our team. There are lots of opportunities to serve, including a brand-new K-5th midweek program. From interactive lessons to games, our seasonally themed series will be a blast. For more information on serving in this wonderful ministry to children, sign-up online here: http://edgewateralliance.org/events
Coming up next week! SALT Lunch out at Outriggers on Wednesday, June 28, 11:30-1:30. Enjoy great fellowship at a lovely spot on the river! Separate checks. Sign up online here: https://edgewateralliance.ccbchurch.com/form_response.php?id=406
The summer sermon series, I Believe... takes us through The Apostles Creed. Here is the link to the powerful video shown during the sermon, "I Believe in the Incarnation" https://youtu.be/gEftDn-OOUY
STUDENT MINISTRIES SUMMER MISSION TRIP FUNDRAISER!! Monday, June 5, 5:00-9:00 pm, McKenna’s Place, NSB Patronize McKenna’s Place tonight and 10% of your check will be donated to help our students participate in summer mission trips.
VBS clinics are filling up! If you're planning to preregister your kids, please do so by 2pm tomorrow (6/4). Preregistration helps our planning/preparation ALOT :) (Don't worry if you miss preregistration...you can still sign up on Monday morning, 6/5. Just arrive at 8:45am.)
The Alliance Council 2017 is streaming live all week from Columbus, Ohio! Listen in now http://www.cmalliance.org/events/2017/council/