Edgewater Union Church
Edgewater Union Church was established in 1912. We are a Non-Denomination church. Our services are on Sunday with Bible Study at 9:45 and Service at 10:45.
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CrossFire Gospel Quartet singing "Everybody Will be Happy Over There"
Weds. Nite Bible study, please try to attend and join our great group of bible worshippers. Pastor Ned leads the discussion and we really go in depth to talk about the Word of GOD! You won't want to miss it if you just come once, it's that good!!!
Don't forget, June 10 is Edgewater Union Church's concert, featuring CrossFire! Starting at 4:00 with cookies and drinks after the concert. Please come hear these Great guys sing and enjoy church fellowship after!! ALL INVITED!! Love offering for the group!
June 10, 2017 Edgewater Union Church will host "CROSSFIRE" at the church. Please come listen to this Great band and enjoy cookies and refreshments afterward. 4:00-6:00 PLAN TO ATTEND!!!!
Our 1st Edgewater Union Church Picnic was held on Friday and it was absolutely Fantastic!!! 35 people signed up to come and the last count,60 people attended!!! What a GREAT time fellowshipping and laughing we had! Very BIG thanks to Jan Shack for,as always,doing a Great job getting everything needed for the picnic,George and Jeff for cooking and a very BIG thanks to Everyone that attended and brought dishes to pass,desserts and themselves, thank you all for making the Picnic a Wonderful Success!! You guys are AWESOME!!!!
EDGEWATER UNION CHURCH PICNIC- April 28 - this FRIDAY 4:00 at Rotary Park on Park Ave. Please try to attend, great time to fellowship and have fun. Bring dish to pass if able everything else provided!!! PLEASE ATTEND!!!
CHURCH PICNIC APRIL 28 at 4:00 at ROTARY PARK FRIDAY NITE FUN AND FELLOWSHIP. Please sign up to bring a dish to pass,hamburgers and hots will be provided! GREAT TIME!!!
Our Weds. nite Bible study really has taken off!!! Everyone who attends really gets into the discussion about the Bible verses being read that nite.Everyone feels like the in-depth study brings out points about the verse that people don't always see or understand! We all go home with a much better understanding of the Bible as well as real excitement for our next time together fellowshipping!!! I encourage anyone that wants a better understanding and an exciting nite out,to attend Bible Study every Weds. nite! YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!
Weds. Nite Bible study at 6:00 and again Sunday mornings at 9:45! Come listen, learn and participate in the word of GOD! Our bible studies are Great for understanding what GOD has given us to live and learn!!