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First Christian Church Duncanville, Texas

203 S Main St, Duncanville, United States
Religious Organization



the PLACE where GOD things happen! WELCOME to where GRACE is experienced, HOPE is alive and LOVE is lived out TOGETHER! Come join us throughout the week.
Monday Bible Study @ 7 pm
Wednesday Youth Group (6th-12th grade) @ 6:30 pm
Thursday Bible Study @ 10 am
Sunday Worship @ 8:15 am and @ 10:45 am
Sunday School @ 9:30 am

We are excited for you to join us in a place "Where God Things Happen!!"


Come join all of us at the welcome table!

Come join us for World Communion Sunday One United Service @ 10:45 am - Sunday School @ 9:30-ish. Sermon Title - Don't Laugh Scriptures - 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 and Romans 5:1-11 Stay for the luncheon afterwards! Crock pot meals certain to have plenty to share with all who come!

World Communion Sunday offers congregations a distinctive opportunity to experience Holy Communion in the context of the global community of faith. The first Sunday of October has become a time when Christians in every culture break bread and pour the cup to remember and affirm Christ as the Head of the Church. On that day, they remember that they are part of the whole body of believers. Whether shared in a grand cathedral, a mud hut, outside on a hilltop, in a meetinghouse, or in a storefront, Christians celebrate the communion liturgy in as many ways as there are congregations. World Communion Sunday can be both a profound worship experience and a time for learning more about our wider community of faith.

Come join us. Heck, come a little early, we can fit you with a choir robe and you get the soft seats (you can do a Milli Vanilli; but you'd enjoy singing with our choir).

It's that time of year again when the Disciples Women of First Christian Church of Duncanville are planning our annual Bazaar! Please mark your calendar. There will be lots of goodies (we have the best bakers in Texas!), vendors and of course our always popular $1 grab bags. Last but not least our raffle baskets! You can complete your Christmas shopping on November 4th and relax until Christmas! Looking forward to seeing everyone! Please feel free to share!

Our theme for Sunday will be forgiveness and openness. Come join us for worship at either 8:15 or 10:45 - Sunday School at 9:45 -

Come join us at either service - 8:15 am or 10:45 am - this Sunday to hear what Paul had to tell the church in Rome, and how it relates to today.

Paul's message to the church. Come join us at either service - 8:15 am or 10:45 am - this Sunday to hear what Paul had to tell the church in Rome, and how it relates to today.

It's that time of year again when the Disciples Women of First Christian Church of Duncanville are planning our annual Bazaar! Please mark your calendar. There will be lots of goodies (we have the best bakers in Texas!), vendors and of course our always popular $1 grab bags. Last but not least our raffle baskets! You can complete your Christmas shopping on November 4th and relax until Christmas! Looking forward to seeing everyone! Please feel free to share!

In case you missed the news, here's the Episcopalian version of the news that the Disciples of Christ elected Teresa Hord Owens as president of our denomination.

The video that opened General Assembly last week. Perhaps a source of inspiration for you today.
