Sacred Heart Church
For a history of Sacred Heart Church, please follow the links below. Mass times are listed below
Mon-Fri 6:30 am
Friday during school 8:00 am
Wednesday 5:30 PM
Friday 8:00 AM
Saturday-8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 AM
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Knights of Columbus Game Night Saturday night, December 3rd at the KC Hall on Highway 157. Come enjoy a night filled with fun, fellowship, games, and the best hamburgers & hot dogs in town. Hope to see you there.
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Please Note: Children's Christmas Practice is canceled this Sunday, November 20th. Practice will resume on November 27th at 3:00 pm in the Church. Thanks Mary Hovater
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Make plans to attend the Chili Supper & Annual KC Turkey Bazaar on November 6th. All proceeds will go to the Sacred Heart School Roof Fund! Serving begins at 4:30 pm ... the wheel starts spinning at 6:45 pm. Bring the whole family and have some fun!
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All Souls Day Mass Times
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All Saints Mass Schedule
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Join us this Saturday, October 22 from 12:30 pm until 2:00 pm at the Cullman County Courthouse for this important Pro-Life event.
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Thanksgiving/Christmas Food Drive We are again collecting food for the holidays on October 22 & 23. Below is a list of suggested food items Large or Small canned Ham Stuffing Mix Cranberry Sauce Sweet Peas Corn Green Beans Sweet Potatoes Canned Pie Fillings (any type) Canned Pumpkin Canned Milk Cake Mix and Frosting Pudding Mix If you prefer, you may make a monetary contribution to purchase holiday food. We will also accept any other non-perishable food items. Thank you in advance for your generosity in making this holiday season a blessing for those in need. St. Vincent de Paul is the Gospel in ACTION.
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the Picnic is Sunday, October 23 at 1:00 pm at the Family Life Center. The Bouncy House and Giant Slide will make a return appearance for the enjoyment of the youth. Meat, buns, & drinks will be provided. Bring a side dish to share! If your name begins with A-M bring a side dish N-Z bring a dessert See you Sunday.
Daily Readings