You Are Not Alone
open arms is going to be a non-profit to give those who need it a second chance. Your overflow, can be someone else treasures this charity first and foremost asks for donations in the form of all the things you have sitting around your house and in your attic that you no longer use, do not need and do not want. we all have these things. there are people out there who do need them and i am asking you to send them to my charity so that we may recycle them back out in to the world to new homes. nothing is to big or to small.whether it be clothes,furniture,shoes,sheets blankets,dishes of any kind,fans,nonperishable foods and anything in between.
eventually we hope to move our charity into a building where we will be able to offer services such as job and computer skills, mentoring,counseling,daycare,transportation, and temporary housing. so anyone who has buildings or property that they would like to donate it would be appreciated and anyone who would like to volunteer as we grow our charity...this is my baby and my way of trying to give back... i would not have been able to make it with out organizations that helped me when i was raising my kids. so please everyone give what you do not use or need. we will even except vehicles so we can provide transportation for those who need to get to doctor appointments, jobs and even the grocery store....if you have advice or ideas that you think will make us better and stronger we will even take that. so dig through your closets,cabinets, attics and basements then go do the same at family and friends, and send send we grow we will eventually pay for the shipping for these items....if you live close enough we will come pic-up small items for bigger items i am afraid for now you have to come to us but as we grow that will change...thank you and be blessed
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