Return Ministries
Return Is a Church Who Loves God, Loves People, and Disciples Others to Do the Same.
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Return Ministries - Second Anniversary
On last Sunday, April 9, we celebrated our second church anniversary. We were blessed by the worship team, and we heard many moving testimonies about what God is doing in the lives of His people. Pastor Bill wrote an encouraging poem and a beautiful homily; both were inspiring. We closed the service holding hands and singing, We Will Stand. Of course, we made our way to the Fellowship Hall for a delicious meal.
On last Sunday, April 9, we celebrated our second church anniversary. We were blessed by the worship team, and we heard many moving testimonies about what God is doing in the lives of His people. Pastor Bill wrote an encouraging poem and a beautiful homily; both were inspiring. We closed the service holding hands and singing, We Will Stand. Of course, we made our way to the Fellowship Hall for a delicious meal.
On last Sunday, April 9, we celebrated our second church anniversary. We were blessed by the worship team, and we heard many moving testimonies about what God is doing in the lives of His people. Pastor Bill wrote an encouraging poem and a beautiful homily; both were inspiring. We closed the service holding hands and singing, We Will Stand. Of course, we made our way to the Fellowship Hall for a delicious meal.
On last Sunday, April 9, we celebrated our second church anniversary. We were blessed by the worship team, and we heard many moving testimonies about what God is doing in the lives of His people. Pastor Bill wrote an encouraging poem and a beautiful homily; both were inspiring. We closed the service holding hands and singing, We Will Stand. Of course, we made our way to the Fellowship Hall for a delicious meal.
On last Sunday, April 9, we celebrated our second church anniversary. We were blessed by the worship team, and we heard many moving testimonies about what God is doing in the lives of His people. Pastor Bill wrote an encouraging poem and a beautiful homily; both were inspiring. We closed the service holding hands and singing, We Will Stand. Of course, we made our way to the Fellowship Hall for a delicious meal.
Revelation 1:9 - Patmos (Sis. Lynn Christy)
All Return Members in good standing of attendance and tithing. Please join us in voting in our new board members.