Core City CrossFit
Core City CrossFit is your Premier and only CrossFit Affiliation in Carlsbad N.M. Core City CrossFit is a coaching facility, not a typical gym. We have created an environment conducive to empowering our members to push themselves to gain results that you thought were impossible. This is not a facility where you will see machines wall to wall with people waiting in line to “get their turn.” We find the majority of machines in big box gyms to be less efficient than functional exercises; thus, we program our daily workouts to focus on real life output, not gym specific strength.
Our mission is to educate, instruct, and train our members to exceed their physical and mental capacities as a human being. Whether your goal is to lose body-fat, build muscle, or perform better at your particular sport, CrossFit has proven through simple science to attain all those goals.
If you were looking for the “quick fix,” you’ve probably searched out a more traditional facility by now, and there you will find that the truth is, there is no “quick fix” to living an active and healthy lifestyle. You will need to invest in your fitness and education and that is what we offer at Core City CrossFit. We’ll be happy to review your fitness needs after meeting with you and going over a health assessment.
We are not a gimmicky fitness program. We don’t waste your time or ours with bogus fitness myths. We will tell it to you straight and push you to train hard and EAT RIGHT! Your results speak for themselves and YOU will prove it. Nutrition is an important component of health and fitness. In the hierarchy of overall wellness, nutrition is the foundation. We provide nutritional recommendations, how to eat depending on your goals.
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