Harvard Model United Nations
The Sixty-Third Session of Harvard Model United Nations, HMUN 2016, will be from January 28 to January 31, 2016. Harvard Model United Nations (HMUN) is a four-day international relations simulation for high school students held annually in downtown Boston. Each January, more than 3,000 delegates, 300 Faculty Advisors and 200 Harvard undergraduates congregate at the Sheraton Boston Hotel to confront and debate issues of international import. In participating at HMUN, delegates experience first-hand the challenges of negotiation by assuming the roles of United Nations representatives and members of other decision-making bodies, and staff members develop skills in business, administration, management, and researching and writing about international affairs.
HMUN is also the longest-running simulation of its kind, built upon a decades-old tradition of excellence. HMUN 2014 is the inheritor of a legacy that stretches back to Harvard's first Model United Nations conference, held in 1953 (and even to the university's first Model League of Nations, held in 1927). For our sixty-first session, the Secretariat of HMUN 2014 is determined to provide an unprecedented experience to staff, delegates, and faculty alike.
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