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Nothing But Chocolate

731 Wheeling Ave, Cambridge, United States
Local Business



Nothing But Chocolate is a chocolate business located in historic Cambridge, Ohio.  


Photos from Nothing But Chocolate's post

We've been making changes in production and the retail area the last few weeks. Looks like someone didn't pick up their tools after they were done. 🤔 #chocolatetools #yesthetoolsarechocolate #chocolateshop

Photos from Nothing But Chocolate's post

Photos from Nothing But Chocolate's post

Big savings on foil balloons including graduation, happy birthday, new baby, get well, open house and congratulation balloons!

Photos from Nothing But Chocolate's post

Timeline Photos

New mold testing done today. #chocolateshop #livelovecambridge #gobucks

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Photos from Nothing But Chocolate's post

Tomorrow is National Taffy Day and all taffy will be 25% off. Start the summer off right with a bag full of the best tasting taffy. #weloveuforlovinglocal #nationaltaffyday #taffytuesday #chocolateshop

Photos from Nothing But Chocolate's post

Nothing But Chocolate's cover photo

Nothing But Chocolate's cover photo

We are back open!

We are having technical issues delaying us from opening this morning. We hope to be open before noon. Sorry for the inconvenience. ~ Amanda

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Graduation time is here! We have all area school colors represented in foil balloons, graduation suckers, pretzels with colored non-pareils and more available. #chocolateshop #graduationfavors #shoplocalstayslocal

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Timeline Photos

We have all the strawberries dipped and ready for walk-ins! Hurry and make sure Mom gets strawberries.

Timeline Photos

Mommy and Me Chocolate Candy Bar Make-n-Take

What a great way to spend time with Mom, Grandma, Aunts and any other Mother figure in your life. #chocolateshop #mothersdaymakentake #creatingmemories #familyfunactivity #cambridgeohio

Mommy and Me Chocolate Candy Bar Make-n-Take


As you may have heard on the radio this afternoon, we will have delicious locally grown strawberries dipped in chocolate tomorrow and Saturday for Mother's Day. #livelovecambridge #chocolateshop #chocolategifts #shoplocalstaylocal #chocolatedippedstrawberries

The staff left me this morning to go on a little field trip down to Marietta and pick big, fresh, ripe strawberries from Stacy Family Farm. These are some of the photos they sent me while they were there and several berries in my palm. And of course we had to dip some to taste test before they are available Friday and Saturday for Mother's Day! #shoplocalstaylocal #stacyfamilyfarmrocks #chocolateshop

The staff left me this morning to go on a little field trip down to Marietta and pick big, fresh, ripe strawberries from Stacy Family Farm. These are some of the photos they sent me while they were there and several berries in my palm. And of course we had to dip some to taste test before they are available Friday and Saturday for Mother's Day! #shoplocalstaylocal #stacyfamilyfarmrocks #chocolateshop


NEAR Nothing But Chocolate