Aztec Public Library
Aztec Public Library strives to support every member of our community to achieve their highest potential in all aspects of life.
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Family Night 2017
Families came out to play together, building bonds and a better world at the library. The balloon twister is always a hit but the House of Cards challenge really got families together in a build-off of stunning creativity and ingenuity. There were blocks for the beginning builders, great snacks and even opportunity for some Yahtzee challenges. Summer Reading is always fun at the library.
Annual Reminder that Graphic Novels are "Real" Reading
Check out Aztec library's new improved Manga section! Adding titles daily, thanks to a NM State grant to libraries. Yes, reading graphic novels counts towards your Summer Reading goals.
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Family Night at the Library: Monday June 12th 5-7 pm. Free fun, games, refreshments for the whole family. Take on another family or group of friends in the House of Cards challenge for great prizes. See you @ the library!
Bob Dylan Says All High Schoolers Should Read These 3 Books
A Summer Reading reading list from Nobel literature laureate Bob Dylan .
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Free hatha yoga classes for adults start Tuesday June 6th at 7 am. See library website for more info, FAQ and schedule.Arrive 15 minutes early to set up. No latecomers will be admitted.
Books to Read if You Like Wonder Woman
Books featuring strong women warriors. Read them now!
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Beat the afternoon heat - hang out at a family friendly, life affirming movie. 2pm every Monday at the library.
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Get your reading tracker and a brochure of daily FREE events at the library throughout summer
Lola the Librarian
A community is just a group of buildings around a library. Librarians are on YOUR team! Thank you to Utah Library Association for this video.
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Timeline Photos
Summer Reading registration begins Tuesday May 30th. Get your reading tracker and a schedule of all the summer events at the library.