Leilapalooza - The Leila Arboretum Music Festival
In our 8th year! Leilapalooza is a one day music festival brought to you by the whiskered wizards of the BCMAMS Leilapalooza is a fund raising event for the Leila Arboretum Society and Kingman Museum in Battle Creek Michigan.
Looking for something fun to do in Battle Creek this summer?
Don't want to spend a lot of money or travel far away to have a good time?
Do you love music?
Leilapalooza is a one day music festival held on the beautiful grounds of the Battle Creek Leila Arboretum. Supported by the City of Battle Creek, Calhoun County, The Battle Creek Metropolitan Area Mustache Society and more.
This is a FREE event!
6 Stages
No outside alcohol permitted (this is a city park!!! and we don't want you going to jail!!! We love you!!!)
Tell your friends
facebook.comLast minute lineup changes for Saturday. We hate to hear when bands breakup. Luckily, we have some very talented and flexible performers. See you Saturday!
This Saturday, July 29th 2017! Join us for a multi-stage, multi-genre one-day music festival on the beautiful grounds of Leila Arboretum in Battle Creek, Michigan. See as many as 60 bands/performances on as many as 6 stages. Parking is only $5 per carload. Walk between beer gardens, and arts, crafts and food vendors as you look for Rock, Funk, Country and more musical stylings. Take a teathered Hot Air Balloon Ride. Dance to DJ's rhythmic grooves as the sun goes down while you enjoy Michigan craft beer and food options from some 10+ vendors. Email us at Leilapalooza.LamJam@gmail.com if you would like to volunteer, sell your goods, promote your business or organization, or make a tax deductible sponsorship contribution. . (Updated) Leilapalooza July 29, 2017 Performers: The Cereal City Concert Band Seas of Jupiter R&D Project - Battle Creek Fires We Started - Battle Creek Conrad Shøck + The Nøise - Grand Rapids Unsung - Battle Creek Barefoot Blonde - Battle Creek 45 To Argos - Niles Allie Garland - Battle Creek Andy El - Battle Creek Native Kin A Ransom For Rain - Alpena Anna p.s. City Scope - Flint Mike Butterworth - Battle Creek Autumns Fall - Battle Creek Trey Connor - Hartland On The Line - Grand Rapids Blackfront - Battle Creek Every Other Thursday - Battle Creek Spiraling Suns - Ann Arbor Once United - Ann Arbor Dead Eyes Always Dreaming - Battle Creek My Fathers Yeti - GrandcRapids Good Boy Deathbed Romance - Battle Creek Tyler Roy - Battle Creek Lipstick N Whiskey - Battle Creek Northern Tempest - Albion Brixx Shawn Rainer - Battle Creek Country Junkie - Battle Creek Amy Grace Sold Only AS Curio Desi Taylor Halsey Claar International Qween Louie Big Love Band Minor Element The Invincible Man Blue Black Hours New Day Revolution The Herbalists DJ Prime Ethan Lewis Josh Brady Trio Quentin & The Q Teez Tarek & Luss J Phrey The Playboys Reverend George Tommy And more!
2 weeks away! Come out and play!