First United Methodist Church
A Community Committed to: Worship – Devotion – Compassion – Justice
Join us for worship at 10:45 and Sunday school at 9:30. All ages included!
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Come watch the fireworks on the lawn at Christ UMC tonight at dusk! Weather looks PERFECT! Free face-painting, popcorn, and water!
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If you have peace in your own heart, you will be able to offer peace to others. You will do more good with your peace than with years of education. When your passions dominate, you believe the worst about others and easily turn good into evil. But, if peace reigns in your heart, you can turn everything into good. - Thomas a'Kempis
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What absolute joy to share in worship and fellowship with our sisters and brothers at Christ UMC today! Thanks to the special musicians, the bell choir, the JOSHUA and Cuba mission teams, our new DS Nestor Nazario for joining us, the clergy choir (the Melodious Ministerium), and everyone for a blessed time!!!
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You don't want to miss worship this Sunday!!!! Combined service for both our churches at Christ UMC at 10:00 am, potluck to follow. (bring your own place setting and a dish to share) We will have special music by a choir of NINE of our active and retired pastors - the MELODIOUS MINISTERIUM! Our bell choir will be playing! The combined JOSHUA Mission Team and Pastor Allan will be sharing about their trip this week. Pastor Allan, Justina, and Larry will be sharing at the potluck about their trip to Cuba in May! It will be a joyful celebration! Be there and bring a friend!!!!
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Today we pray for the UM congregations and pastors who are saying goodbyes this week and moving or welcoming new clergy and families. A busy week in Methodism full of memories, tears, and bright hopes on the horizon of new beginnings through Christ. Allan and Jon and grateful to be back for another year!
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Already a busy morning at the Prayer Tent at the Farmers Market! We're here just about every Saturday till October, come on out!
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Why is it that we continue to miss the mark after we become Jesus followers and are set free from the power of sin? Is there a difference between choosing to ignore God's will, slipping into old sinful habits, and making a mistake? What does the new life that we are set free into look like? Join us for worship Sunday morning at 10:45 am as we take a look at these questions and more, continuing our reflections on the Book of Romans with chapter 6:1-11 and Matthew 10:24-39. Bring a friend!
Chess Camp
So excited for Chess Camp to start Monday at 9:30 am! If you haven't registered, give Pastor Jon an email at to let him know your kiddo is coming!
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Join us this Sunday morning as we worship God at First UMC! Worship begins at 10:45 am. Bring a friend! We'll be reflecting on Matthew 9:35 - 10:8 and Romans 5:1-10 and God's response to the distance we create by our attempts at self-justification.
First United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church
Perichoresis-- it is the Greek word used to describe the relationship between the triune God-- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It refers to the divine dance that expresses the divine love, and intimacy of God in three persons. In that divine dance God invites his people to participate and calls us to invite others to join in the ever-widening circle of celebration. Join us tomorrow at 10:45 a.m. as we worship and join together with God in the divine perichoresis. It will be a good old fashioned hoedown!