Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Especially for open-minded thinkers and committed questioners, young and old, we offer a welcoming, inclusive oasis with companions who stimulate your spiritual and intellectual exploration and join together to make a difference in the world. The church's mission is to "Embrace Diversity, Empower Connection, Engage in the Work."
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SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE SUN, MAY 14 A Circle of Care Honoring the lives of children on Mothers Day is an important ritual for any congregation who values the responsibility to nurture and support future generations. Parents will offer their children to be dedicated in a ceremony led by Rev. White. Her homily is titled A Circle of Care. This service also includes a Joy and Sorrow ritual.
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3rd Sunday Recipient Ashland Tiny House Village Sun, May 21 On May 21st our third Sunday offering will go to the Ashland Tiny House Village project. This group has been working tirelessly to bring a tiny house village to Ashland to provide transitional housing for the homeless, primarily but not limited to families .
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Spring into Auction News Update BUY AUCTION TICKETS by MAY 10 IF AT ALL POSSIBLE to help us plan food and prevent wastage & lines at the door. (Your Ticket Number is your Bidder Number.) $15 Adults and $15 Family (with children) We have over 115 items so you are sure to find some good bargains. MISSING THE AUCTION? You can still help RVUUF with this major fundraiser. Get a Preliminary Catalog, complete an ABSENTEE (Proxy) BIDDER FORM with items and maximum bid, and we will find you a responsible ABSENTEE BIDDER who will only bid up as little as necessary. Call or Email Jackie Rosen for an Absentee (Proxy) Bidder Form, List of Auction Items, and/or a Preliminary Catalog (, Jackie Rosen 831-596-4500). Hand a flier to neighbors and friends. It's a fun way to spend an evening, all for $15. Help distribute fliers anywhere there's a bulletin board or lobby or counter available. Tell neighbors and friends about this terrific way to spend an evening with family or friends for only $15, to ensure that we have enough bidders! Talk to friends and bid together on a trip or a case of wine. Come to the Sunday service May 21, for the After Auction Sale, immediately after the service and after the Annual Congregational Meeting. NEW ITEMS: handyman & window washing, yard work, clothes swap party, children's 500 pc. art set, pet sitting, new kitchen composter, certificates to: Greenleaf, Hearsay, Wild Goose, Britt, Oregon Cabaret Theater, Chamber Music Concerts, foot massage for $16, regular lunch for $8 at Omar's, and more, guided hikes, sailing & lunch, zipline and biplane adventure. Too many items + not enough bidders = bargains for you!
Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalist Association
May 12, 2017 Nan’s News I am acutely aware of the time remaining I have with this Beloved Community at RVUUF with whom I’ve had the privilege to share the journey of life in the Rogue Valley of Oregon. In my spare time Sam and I are busy at home trying to down-size, again, to prepare for a move across the country in July. As I prepare for the few remaining Sunday services I will be leading I am reminded that not only am I leaving RVUUF and the Developmental ministry serving you since 2014, I am also leaving ministry as my calling and profession for the last 40 years. How to bring closure in a way that is meaningful is what we all face at this time. For me it means I get to plan and participate in Sunday services and there are two I want to mention now and encourage you to attend. Sunday, May 14 is Mothers Day and there are 5 families with a total of 8 children to be dedicated. I hope you’ll be present for and with these families and recommit your support to encourage and help them as part of the RVUUF family. Then on May 21st the annual Flower Communion service will be held, a uniquely UU service steeped in history that lifts up inherent worth and Beloved Community. Everyone is invited to bring a flower to exchange during the service. I’ll be giving a final Ministers report at the annual congregational meeting that follows Flower Communion. May our remaining days together bring us meaning in ways that nurture us all.
Dakota Access pipeline has first leak before pipeline is fully operational
This is My Religion
Photos from Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship's post
RVUUFian Earth Keepers Linden Crouch and Ann Hackett (Master Recycler), collected hazardous household waste from the community and hauled it to White City for the annual Hazardous Waste Disposal event. We more than doubled the amount of households involved in the event. Thank you to all the participants who kept this hazardous material out of the landfill. 🌎
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Garden Party Thank Yous Many thanks to those workers who came to the "Garden Party" on Tues, May 3 and pulled weeds, etc: Frank Jones, Morty Smith, Patrick Box, Vern Crawford, Sue and Bill Montfort, Jan Waitt.