No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here. Office Hours Tue-Fri 9am-12:30pm (607)733-9104
We are a church founded on biblical principles. We serve in the spirit of humility with integrity and compassion for our community, our nation and world.
Divine Savior Welcomes You!!!
Connecting people with God's provision. Come discover all that God has for you pertaining to life.
Lake Sunapee Baptist Church is a life giving church that exist to lift up the name of Jesus. Jesus loves you! Worship Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00am.
Romans 13:12 "The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the Armour of Light."
A non-denominational church based on biblical principles, committed to proclaiming Jesus wherever he leads us.
Especially for open-minded thinkers and committed questioners, young and old, we offer a welcoming, inclusive oasis with companions who stimulate your spiritual and intellectual exploration and join together to make a difference in the world.
Sunday Services are: 9am Prayer 10am Sunday School 11am Family Service 6pm Evening Sevice
Heritage Fellowship is a three year old church in Clinton, S.C. Visit our website @ for dates and times and updates.
A place of spiritual, emotional and physical healing and restoration.
Our faith is over 2000 years old, our thinking is not. We invite you to Coral Gables United Church of Christ to grow spiritually, and to find welcome at God’s table.
Empowering Lives with Love, Honesty, and the Word...A Place where we love you for real for free....
To make disciples, united in worship and service.
HOPE offers the opportunity to encounter God through creating a culture of: healthy family, supernatural living, honor, and fulfilling destiny.
Stonehill exists to Grow with God and Go with God, so that all would Know God.
There is always room for you in the Upper Room.
We are a community of people whose mission is loving our community in the name of Jesus.
100 N. Main Street Sunday Morning Winter Schedule: 10am Tuesday Night Youth: 7PM Friday Night Altar - Worship and Prayer: 7-10pm
The Vine Church - Braselton, Georgia. Connecting the World to Jesus Christ!
Connect, Grow and Love in Jesus
Located in Newark, New York at the corner of Mason & High Streets. To see what's coming up at NPL, check out our events calendar at is the web's premier hotspot for high end BMW enhancements and upgrades.
This page is to help communicate what this gym stands for and what we offer. Looking to get into the best shape of your life? Look no further! Open 24/7
I give owners the knowledge and tools necessary to transform their problem dogs into balanced dogs. I also specialize in socialization & pack integration.
Senior, Wedding, and Family Professional Photographer based in Great Falls, Montana. 406-781-5055
(seb) is the student programming board at UMBC. (seb) is funded through student activities fees and its primary focus is to provide high quality programs to UMBC students.
Located at 115th Ave & Sheridan Blvd. in Westminster, Colorado PHONE: 303-451-5433
We Buy Sell and Trade Used DVD's and Video Games and Video Game Consoles