Barton's Greenhouse & Nursery, Inc.
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If you're looking for ideas for containers, check out the ones at the Summit. Great job Angela and crew!!!
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Pink Calibrachoa and white Bacopa keeping it real in Homewood.
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Coming along...
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Let us in, coach! We're ready for spring!! The name of this dahlia is Dalayi Bali.
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Another early start this morning. Thanks, Cliff, Matt, Keith, Nathan and Justin!
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Saturday afternoon in Atlanta
After years of being frustrated by a healthy population of carpenter bees tunneling in the front porch of the office, we picked up these traps at Petals From The Past. It may sound sadistic, but this is really sort of fun to watch. For those who may say we are being cruel, these bees can see what's going on here and make their own conscious choice to go into the trap. So it's on them. Darwin Award.
Photos from Barton's Greenhouse & Nursery, Inc.'s post
Coming soon to a garden center or landscape site near you- our new (to us) pint-sized delivery truck! Thanks, Scott Owen, for another decal. Beautiful work!!
Photos from Barton's Greenhouse & Nursery, Inc.'s post
This weather is so pretty we are starting our spring diet a little early!
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Our geranium HB are very close to blooming! Thanks, Jesse, for helping with the AV. Good dog!
Photos from Barton's Greenhouse & Nursery, Inc.'s post
Coming soon- lots of plants in the pipeline that are loving this weather!