Impact Community Church - New Haven, Indiana
Impact Community Church will be a church that impacts the community of New Haven with the transforming love of Christ: Providing every man, woman, and child an opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Launched August 18th, 2013
Impact Community Church of New Haven is the first daughter church to Level 13 Church and the Loop Ministry Network. Impact is the first of what plans to be 4 churches planted within the next 10 years, in and around the 469/69 “Loop” of Fort Wayne, IN.
Impact Community Church will be about helping people, both pre-Christian and Christian alike see the church as God intended, not a destination to go for a couple hours one day a week, but a life giving group of Christ followers who extend grace, hope, and love because its transformed their lives. Our communities start to see the “Church” move and work together as a transformational change agent in our communities; no longer intent on waiting for the community to simply come to it, but desperate to give Gods love away.
Impact Community Church believes the local church is the vehicle with which God has chosen to bring the Gospel to this world, and that planting churches is the fastest way to reach people for Christ. So that is what we are, and will be about planting and watering the church as we love God and love others into a transformed life in Jesus Christ.
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facebook.comMovie In The Park (FREE)
Friday, May 19th @ 8:30p Schnelker Park in New Haven FREE SNACKS & WATER *Bring a lawn chair or a blanket and enjoy the show!
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Collide Youth Group, which is a ministry of Level 13 Church and Impact Community Church, meets every Wednesday evening at 909 Main Street in New Haven, IN from 7-830pm. All middle school and high school students are welcome to come. If your teen currently doesn't attend, this would be a great week for them to start!
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It's going down! Don't miss out!
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Join us this Sunday!
Matt has a message for you!
3rd Annual Glow In The Dark Easter Egg Hunt
Impact Community Church would like to invite you to our 3rd Annual Glow In The Dark Easter Egg Hunt, on Friday April 14th at New Haven High School's football field. All are welcome, and this year we will have 3 different age divisions for the kiddos (0-3yrs / 4-7yrs / 8-12yrs). The gates open at 7:30 PM with the first hunt starting 8:30 PM. There will be Exciting Golden Ticket prizes as well as candy. (Remember to bring a flashlight) **Last year things got a little crazy as we had more than double the expected turn out! Needless to say we were not prepared for that, especially in such a small area. So this year we are stepping things up and moving the festivities to the New Haven High School football field! Also, we will be dividing into 3 age groups this year to keep the hunting fair. We hope that if you had a rough experience last year, you will come out and give us another chance.
Lent Journey Day 18 LENT IS FOR LONGING DAILY PRAYER REQUEST: Lord, rekindle my longing for you. DAILY THOUGHT: THE ECHO WITHIN Perhaps the most important thing we can say about our longing for God is that it is an echo within of God’s longing for us. There is in God’s heart a passionate longing for each one of us that nothing can take away. All our reaching out for God, all our hoping to know God, all our desires to be with God, all these things are there because of God’s longing to be in intimate friendship with us. Whenever we find ourselves wanting to start again with God, the place we begin is the awareness that the Spirit of God has been at work in our lives wooing us back into intimacy with God again. DAILY PRACTICE: Pray the daily prayer request. In your quiet time today, consider God’s longing for you. Think about it in these words from the Bible: “Long before God laid down the earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. What pleasure he took in planning this. He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved son” (Ephesians 1:4–5 The Message). Can you sense God’s longing? Share your response with God as these words touch your heart and mind.
Lent Journey Day 17 LENT IS FOR LONGING DAILY PRAYER REQUEST: Lord, rekindle my longing for you. DAILY THOUGHT: GOD’S LONGINGS When we genuinely long for God, we also long for what God wants. God longs for the healing of our communities, of our relationships and of our lives. The big question always is: How do we give visibility to God’s longing where we are? Whenever we reach out to a stranger, get alongside someone who is grieving, listen to those who are rejected and seek to bring reconciliation where there is painful conflict and division, we make real the longings of God for a healed world, whether we speak about God or not. We become visible signs of God’s longing for healing of our whole universe. DAILY PRACTICE: Praying the daily prayer request. Pray it slowly, thoughtfully, expectantly. In the quiet ask the Lord to bring into your mind some person or situation that needs healing. Once you are clear about this, ask the Lord to help you think creatively about how you can be a visible sign of God’s healing love in the next twenty-four hours. Commit your thoughts to the Lord and ask for the Lord’s help and guidance in carrying out this intention.
Lent Journey Day 16 LENT IS FOR LONGING DAILY PRAYER REQUEST: Lord, rekindle my longing for you. DAILY THOUGHT: ACTIVE LONGING In our Biblical passage for the week, when the disciples tell Jesus what they want, he instructs them, “Come and see.” Notice that once they have expressed their longing, he invites them to follow up on their asking with some deliberate action. They need to do something. There is a lesson in this for us when we ask God to rekindle our longing. Asking by itself is not enough. Few things obstruct progress more in our journey with God than mere passivity. We must also “come and see’ by taking whatever necessary action we must do to follow up on our longing for God. DAILY PRACTICE: Pray the daily prayer request. Read once more the Biblical passage for the week (John 1:35–39). Allow this passage to help you again to engage with the Lord around your deep longings. Today think especially about one thing you can do in order to show that you are taking your longing with real seriousness. Talk with the Lord about this and seek to put into practice whatever it is, as soon as it becomes possible to do so.