Westcroft School
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On Friday 3rd February we will be celebrating 'World Cancer Day' to support Cancer Research UK. This year it is Superhero themed and we are asking children to bring a minimum of £2 (Bring more if you can!!) and wear either non unifrom or a superhero costume! A fun day will be had by all!
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Would you like to know a bit more about special needs? About Social, emotional and mental health difficulties? How you can support you child's learning at home? If so, we are holding a workshop next Monday, 23rd January from 10am until 12. If you would like to attend, please ring the school to book your place. Light refreshments will be served.
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Give Us a Break is a charity set up by parents and carer’s of disabled children who provide holiday and weekend activities for children and young people aged 2-25 years old. We are all volunteers and do not provide staffing, but we do offer support and advice and welcome new members to join in with fun appropriate activities. Siblings also welcome. You need to be a member in order to attend, if you would like to join us please call us on 07854252328 or email guabactivities@gmail.com to get a joining form. For queries on the day or directions please call 07947653762.
With the bad weather coming up, remember to check Facebook for any school closures! Thank you
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Can we please respectfully remind parents to park on the overflow car park and NOT in front of the minibuses. The car park is a very busy and dangerous place with buses needing access at all times. Thank you.
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Zumba with Ms Brown starts Thursday Jan 5th at 5pm in the Sports Hall. £1 per class and you must be aged over 12yrs to join in. Come along and loose a few of those Christmas pounds while having fun.
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We would like to wish all of our pupils, parents and carers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year! We will see you back to school on Wednesday 4th January 2017.
Wednesday's Christmas jumper day raised a massive £430! Many thanks to all who took part and supported us!
Photos from Westcroft School's post
Well done to everyone yesterday for the Christmas Jumper and craft fair day! Lots of fun (and cakes!!) were had! Here are some photos of the lovely crafts that were sold! Raising money for Save the CHildren. Total to follow!
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Thank you to everyone who sent food in for the 'Feed a Family' appeal from the Express and Star. We were mentioned in a tweet! Well done to our pupils who represented the school today.
Dont forget that school finishes for the Christmas break tomorrow at 1:30pm! We would like to wish all of our parents, carers and pupils a merry Christmas and a very happy new year. We will see you all in the new year!
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Just a reminder that tomorrow is Christmas jumper day! Dig out your festive wear for a fun day!