Harburn Estate
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facebook.comChristmas is coming and it will soon be time to get tinseld up. We have a great selection of Christmas Trees here at Harburn, so why not come and see us and choose your tree when we open for retail on 2nd December? Also available this year are wonderful handmade scented door wreaths made by Flowers by Isla. For opening hours or to buy your tree online, please visit www.countrybusiness.co.uk/retail-christmas-trees. Ho Ho Ho!!
If you would like to be added to the mailing list to hear about dates for our 2018 Bushcraft, please send us your email address via Facebook, or email info@harburn-estate.co.uk. Thanks!
Thanks to the success of Harburn Bushcraft in July we are running 2 more days on 18th and 19th of September, 10am-4pm, when the schools (very helpfully!) close with instructors provided by DC Outdoor Activities. The age groups are 5-8 and 8-12. They will learn to build shelters, light fires, cook food, learn about different plants and look at wildlife, plus many other things. The cost is £40 per day for the first child and £35 for siblings thereafter and it isn't compulsory to book both days. If this is something your child would enjoy or you would like more details, please call 01506 87 00 33 or email info@harburn-estate.co.uk. Thanks, Ness
Our first Bushcraft day yesterday was absolutely brilliant! The weather was perfect, the children had a great time and the parents were happy with how tired they were at collection time! Below are some photos of them cutting wood to build a shelter and then getting sausages ready for lunch. Marshmallow are being toasted today so I'm going to coincide my visit carefully. We are now taking bookings for another Bushcraft day on 18th September.
Tuesday 25th July is now fully booked but we still have a few spaces on Monday 24th!! Hurry up and book a space now!!
This summer we are running a 2 day activity course with DC Outdoor Activities for children aged 5-12 years. They will learn some great outdoor skills (details below) and will be fantastically fun. The cost per day is £40 (discounts available for siblings) and spaces are limited. To make a booking, please email info@harburn-estate.co.uk Children's Bushcraft, 24th - 25th July, 10am - 4pm 5 – 8 years They will look at cooking simple foods from sharpening a stick and toasting a marshmallow, making chocolate brownies in an orange to flat breads and meat. Learning to safely use tools to build a sturdy ‘A’ frame shelter and camp fire furniture. Foraging is a constant part of every session and, where appropriate, the things found are explained and used as part of a session. Each of the days will involve different elements of Bushcraft. All the activities are structured in a progressive manner using demonstration and participation, though the focus is on getting the children as involved as possible. ──── 8-12 years Learning how to safely light a fire using many different tools; flint and striker, batteries and some bits from a bike! How to cook simple foods from sharpening a stick and toasting a marshmallow, making chocolate brownies in an orange to flat breads and meat. Learning to safely use tools such as Saws, Knives, Axes and Paracord to build a sturdy ‘A’ frame shelter and camp fire furniture. Foraging is a constant part of every session and where appropriate, the things found are explained and used as part of a session. Both days will involve different elements of Bushcraft. Depending on the weather and group ability the children will be able to try Axe Throwing or Tag Archery.