A local reliable sole trader. Get your Windows, wheelie/recycling bins cleaned, gutters cleared &cleaned. Patios &all types of pressure washing undertaken.
Conrads Kitchen creates fresh inventive food always using local producers. I can cater for your party or event or be found at markets across somerset.
We specialise in competition car preparation, restorations, body and paint repairs and one of a kind projects.
Rapidz swim academy offer 1-2-1 teaching for both children and adults. Rapidz also offer 1-2-1 crash courses every school holiday.
- Dog walking (on a one to one basis) - Pet sitting (while your at work or away) - Dog training (one to one basis)
Personal training sessions will push you to a new level and help target and accomplish your goals. Get in contact today on ... 07891 429784
Positive competitive dog agility training
We are a husband and wife team offer quality childcare in our home enviroment. We are OFSTED registered and graded as good, and members of PACEY. We pride ourselves on offering a true home from home experience for your child.
The Heart of Nightlife in Telford
EKL properties are experts in student buy-to-let property and also professional HMO's throughout Manchester, Liverpool and the West Midlands.
Guardian Pest Control is an independent local Somerset Pest Control and Prevention Company.
Top 2 Toe is a unisex beauty salon and provides a full range of beauty treatments. Ring 07525098117 to book your appointment.
We are dedicated to improving the health and well-being of communities, encouraging active participation, providing affordable and accessible services to help more people feel good.
Welcome to the Harte and Garter Hotel & Spa - located directly opposite Windsor Castle we boast the finest views in town.
We meet each Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9:15 - 11:15 am, in the Kingswells Community Centre.
We are committed to finding, breeding and producing quality horses to the highest standard that will excel in any sphere.
A fantastic opportunity for children to have fun and get cooking with a real chef!
Stunning theatre performed by actors with and without learning disabilities. We tour to theatres, festivals and communities in UK & Europe.
The Battery Company Ltd; suppliers of rechargeable batteries, was started over 20 years ago and has built up a reputation for an efficient and friendly service.
The Official Facebook page for Hope Community Library; run in partnership with Castell Alun High School and the Friends of Hope
Event Catering