Tewkesbury Medieval Festival
Europe's largest annual medieval reenactment. July 13th & 14th 2013 11am-5pm.Free Admission(parking charge) Tewkesbury Medieval Festival has been the high spot of Tewkesbury’s summer since 1983.
It is now widely regarded as the largest free medieval gathering of its kind in Europe, attracting re-enactors, traders, entertainers, and visitors from all over the world.
Its central feature is a spectacular re-enactment of the Battle of Tewkesbury on part of the site of the original battle of 1471. Many of the participants including wives and children live as a medieval army in authentic encampments for the whole weekend.
It also features a wide range of period entertainment, including music, dance and drama as well as collection of fascinating characters from the past. These may include surgeons, preachers and even the odd dragon keeper.
There is a children’s activity area, with period based arts and craft sessions, and an exhibition tent with displays from organisations specialising in various aspects of history.
Our busy and colourful medieval market has everything from a suit of armour or a fabulous gown, to pot of herbs or bag of sweets on sale.
There are also associated events in the town, which is decorated with authentic medieval banners for the festival period.
Food and drink (including ale specially brewed for the occasion,) are widely available and best of all, despite its size and popularity, entry to Tewkesbury Medieval Festival is free, and it hard working volunteer directors are determined to keep it that way.
There is however a small charge for parking to help pay for our considerable costs.
The festival always takes place on the second FULL weekend in July.
Where to stay.
With such a large event taking place in a small town, hotels and other accommodation fills rapidly, so early booking is recommended.
If circumstances allow we will be offering public camping at very reasonable rates, but again space will be limited.
Full details of all accommodation, including camping are available from Tewkesbury Tourist Information Centre, tewkesburytic@tewkesbury.gov.uk.
Getting involved.
You can help the festival survive and prosper.
It is run all year round by volunteers supplemented by a hard working crew for the setting up and running of the actual weekend.
We get very little by way of grants and sponsorship.
There are many ways you can get involved; if you live locally think about giving a hand, there are all kinds of practical jobs that need doing from keeping the books straight to sourcing materials, putting up advertising boards or helping with the practicalities of setting up what amounts to a small temporary town for the weekend, and of course clearing it all up afterwards. You may even have talents or skills that we have not thought about, but which prove very useful.
You could run a fund raising event for us, or if you are a local business person sponsor some part of the festival, with around 15,000 visitors you will certainly benefit, or how about donating, or giving us a discount any of the many items we need, which you may sell, or use in some way.
Tell your friends
facebook.comDon't forget the events in the town this evening, around the Abbey from 6.30pm, entertainment, skirmish and beheadings :-) Please give generously to our bucket rattlers - your donations fund the event! :-)
Please note - the event opens at 11am, not 10am, as some unofficial pages for the event have stated. Thanks. Have a great day :-)
Timetable for the weekend. Saturday: 11am event opens Midday & 2pm guided battlefield walks - meet by info tent 3pm Falconry display on the battlefield 4pm The battle of Tewkesbury 5pm Flag Throwers of Arrezo perform on the battlefield 6pm Main Event site closes. Various musicians and entertainers are performing around the site all day At the Abbey: 6.30pm Zooted jesters 7.30pm Skirmish, trials and executions 8pm Compline service in the Abbey Sunday: 11am Event opens 11.15 Carnival parade through the town Midday & 1pm guided battlefield walks - meet by info tent 3pm The battle of Tewkesbury 4pm Flag Throwers of Arrezo perform on the battlefield 5pm Main Event site closes. At the Abbey: 6.15pm Flag Throwers of Arrezo in the Abbey Grounds
Flagwavers of Arezzo
We're almost there! This year we have a new attraction for Tewkesbury Medieval Festival - The Sbandieratori di Arezzo - The Flag Throwers of Arezzo, Italy. Come and see their spectacular performances on site over the weekend and in the grand parade through the town on Sunday morning. http://www.sbandieratori.arezzo.it/en/
As usual there will be a Compline and Memorial service in Tewkesbury Abbey on the Saturday night of the Festival. If any groups would like the names of those re-enactors who have passed away in the last year commemorated at the service please let us know.
Armour at the Abbey 2017 Sunday 30th April In the garden of Abbey House Medieval Activities, and hand to hand combat Midday - 4pm Monday 1st May In the Abbey Hourly shows and displays of medieval life, from the court to the kitchens Medieval calligrapher and artist, dressing a knight, medieval music and fashion show 11am-4pm £5 per day or £7.50 for both days.
TEWKESBURY ABBEY and TEWKESBURY MEDIEVAL FESTIVAL present The Mystery of Lord Wenlock and his Glastonbury Treasure A talk by Adrian Fray Saturday 29th April, 6.30 for 7.00 pm Parish Hall, Tewkesbury Abbey Tickets: £6.00 to include a glass of wine Available from: The Abbey Shop, Tel: 01684 276655
Visit Tewkesbury - Cotswolds Medieval Market Town
There's still plenty to see and do in Tewkesbury all year round, do come and visit this wonderful medieval town for a day or two. Lots of interesting independent shops in the town, selling every thing from books to kitchenware. And plenty of other attractions, including the museums, The Abbey and numerous historic buildings. Lots more information on planning your visit at http://www.visittewkesbury.info/
Next year's event will take place, as always, on the second full weekend of July - that's the 8th & 9th July 2017
Hope you all had a great weekend and thanks for coming. We're just tidying up the loose ends and sorting the last few bits. Meanwhile, there's still lots happening in Tewkesbury over the summer, including the Summer arts programme at The Roses Theatre, for children and teenagers, 1st-5th August. Still places available, contact them directly: http://www.rosestheatre.org/events/entry/blockbuster-2#.V5Hs6hJkZP5
Hoo House Nursery
It's a lovely sunny day here, hope you're all enjoying the event. You may have noticed our gardens - the storytellers garden provided by Hoo House nursery and the small garden by the Bloody Meadow bridge, provided by Osh The Gardener. Many thanks to them both for providing nice relaxing spaces to rest for a few moments. http://www.hoohouse.plus.com/ https://www.facebook.com/OshTheGardener
Hope you're all having a great day! It costs over £80,000 to run the event, with most of the funding coming from your donations and the caterers and traders fees. Please help to keep the event going by dropping your spare change into the many collecting buckets you will find being rattled around the site. Thank you :-)
One of my most treasured photos of one of my dearest departed friends Roger Langford

Nicked from @rubygracesza reminiscing driving in a convertible to Tewksbury medieval festival on my 27th...good times!🤓❤️ @hannasaks @rubygracesza @charldobson @wbartman @dope_muney @michgri @aline_knowles @joeconradwilliams

My favourite merchant since my very first medieval fair here in the UK: @thecopperpot.co.uk :) #tewkesburymedievalfestival #tbt

Preparing for the #ferret #race ! #charity #tewkesburymedievalfestival #tbt


#shootingarrows #archer #medieval

#charge #medieval #tewskburyfestival

Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire. July 2016 In 1471 the battle of Tewkesbury was fought between the York and Lancaster forces. The York forces were victorious. The victims of the battle are still remembered in an annual communion service in the Abbey on 4 May and at the annual Medieval Festival in July. During the summer, the banners used by over 100 participants in the battle are displayed on properties in the main streets. Guided walks around the battlefield are run through the year. #Tewkesbury #gloucestershire #tewkesburymedievalfestival #york #lancaster #waroftheroses #england #flags #medievalbanners
