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Park House Private Shooting School

Tockenham Wick, Swindon, United Kingdom



Park House Private Shooting School provides Qualified, Experienced Instruction in Classic Wing/Game Shooting Techniques and Skills for Sporting Clays.  ©kpcoyle2015

Expert Instruction for the Clay & Game Shot

Keith Coyle is one of the country's most successful and experienced professional instructors, a senior CPSA coach since 1993, Sporting & F.I.T.A.S.C. Clays and Game Shooting tuition is his speciality.

He learnt his trade from the very best, working for and being Mentored by Roger Silcox from 1991 to1998 at Roses Wood Shooting School, instructed in the skill of Gun Fit by the renowned
Chris Craddock (Rogers own mentor) and then spent 15 years as Senior Instructor for Sam Grice at his Long Acres Shooting School,

For Keith, coaching is a passion as well as a profession and it is his intention to give
shotgun enthusiasts the enjoyment and satisfaction that comes from shooting well. In more than 25 years as a professional coach, he has helped hundreds of pupils to shoot with
confidence and style. His philosophy is simple - good shooting comes from a combination of
the right technique and plenty of practice.

At the Park House Private Shooting School Keith will show how anyone can master the skills
they need to become a successful shot, with expert advice on the recognised methods of
leading a moving target, practising correct gun mount and developing technique,

sporting conduct, etiquette and most importantly of all, Safety Rules.

An hour’s tuition with Keith is guaranteed to improve your shooting and establish the
technical consistency required for success in the field or competitive clay shooting.
Complete beginners, novices, ladies and young shots are always welcome. Shooters of any
standard can expect to make rapid progress using proven, successful methods.

An accurate diagnosis will quickly identify and correct any problems in technique, style or gun fit. To shoot well and comfortably, a properly fitted gun is essential. Gun fitting (with use of a Pattern Plate) and advice on any alterations are part of the service, as is unbiased and personal help with all aspects of guns and shooting.

A recognised Gun fitter for most of the UK’s and Europe’s Fine Gun makers, he is an experienced Sporting course and Shooting Ground designer, having undertaken projects at Sun City, South Africa, The Delta Sporting Clays Resort, Arkansas USA and opened both the Jebel Ali S.C., Dubai in 1996 and was the pre opening Shooting Club Manager at the Al Forsan International Sports complex Abu Dhabi in 2009.

As well as running his own shooting grounds and being a successful competitive clay shot during the 1980’s & 90’s, Keith has been an ardent Game Shot, which has led him onto being a highly experienced “Shoot Captain” and in 2008 was appointed acting Estate Manger to the 4500 Acre Dunira Sporting Estate, Comrie, Perthshire in its inaugural season.



Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

Green Acres Sportsman's Club added 2 new photos. Published by Keith Coyle · 19 mins · Last Saturday proved to be non stop and an action packed day for the Green Acres Team, not only did we host a Downton Day Simulated Driven Shoot, we also attended the Safari Club International of Chicago fund raiser Banquet. After a full morning of Dog Training, Dan headed off for Chicago as the advance party to set up the new G.A exhibition stand, then Tristan and I followed on after the Shoot Diner, to drive through "Semi", pronounced "Sem Eye" (Articulated Lorry) tipping winds in time to arrive for 5pm. During the evening the traditional fund raising Auction was held, which included a Hunt package to the value of some $1500 generously donated by Dan & Cindy on behalf of Green Acres. It was an out standing evening where we met some super people and had the opportunity to promote the excellent range of services we offer from the "Gun Dog Success" program, Superb Wing Shooting & Sporting Clay"s to the newly opened "Green Acres Shooting School".

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

Green Acres Sportsman's Club shared their post. Published by Keith Coyle · 34 mins · On Saturday we held our first "Downton Day Simulated Driven Shoot", despite the most extreme conditions of 50mph winds. All the Guns had a great time of (very) fast & furious shooting and experienced an unplanned bonus of one of the "Drives" accurately replicating a British Moorland Driven grouse shoot!!!!! Unfortunately we did't manage to get any photos of the Guns in action but here are the names of the brave Souls that took on the challenge of the day and the Menu of home cooked Shoot Diner they were rewarded with!. Our next Simulated Driven day is on Saturday the 7th of May and will be the "Downton Day American Classic", where Guns are encouraged to dress in "Southern Gentleman" style (sorry still no Camo!). Fully inclusive Hunt fee of $300 Members & $350 non members, non shooting guests are welcome to come along at food & beverage fee of $30 members & $35 non members. It doesn't matter if you're a dedicated Sporting Clay's enthusiast, Upland or Duck Hunter, this day suits all, it's the day "Where Wing Meets Clay!!!". To reserve your place on this or a future Downton Day, or to book your very own exclusive private or corporate event on any week day or weekend then contact the club office by phone, email or message via the Facebook page.

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

Following my arrival at Green Acres last Wednesday, the next evening I and Dan were invited by our good friend Curtis Linder to the Union League of Chicago Wild Game Diner, staged in one of the immaculately prepared private banquet rooms in the Clubs 140 year old plus headquarters building in Chicago's historical city center. To say the evening was exceptional would be a considerable understatement, from the gracious and generous hospitality of our host Curtis and his Good lady, the sincere warm welcome we were given by all we met, the opportunity provided for Dan & I to introduce the Green Acres Sportsman's Club and our plans for its future, to a truly superb 5 course gourmet diner (worthy of a Michelin Star!!!), matched with fine wines from both the Old & New Worlds. The finale to this evening was a tour of the ULC's magnificent private art collection which comprises of some 800 pieces that include a Turner and a Monet, yes a Monet!!!!. It was an unforgettable experience from the time we entered the hallowed doors of the ULC and has been without doubt a pivotal moment in promoting the new phase of Green Acres growth towards a world recognized center of excellence for Classic Field & Country Sports and Pastimes, once again our huge thanks to Curtis Linder and all those at the U.L.C.

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

What better way to start my return to Green Acres than with a Pheasant Tower Shoot and a great Team of Guns/Hunters who bagged 80 from a hundred birds in brilliant style. With sharp clear skies the birds flew an even spread over the guns at increasing heights and speeds creating excellent and well taken sporting shots. All birds were retrieved by the Green Acres team of Gun Dogs lead on this occasion my the "Dog Whisperer" himself, Dan Ihrke. Now looking forward to next Saturday's "Downton Day" British Style Simulated Driven shoot to really kick off what is going to be another sensational Summer season here at Green Acres, "Its The Place To Be!!!!!!!!!!" For details of the Green Acres Sportsman's Club fully inclusive week stay & shooting package that includes Driven Pheasant, Upland Pheasant & Partridge over dogs, American style Duck shooting, European Flighted Duck and Sporting Clay's all in one estate, please message me or email

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

After a busy two months in the UK I am pleased to be back in residence here at Green Acres with my newly granted O.1. visa for "Persons of Special Ability". I want to say a huge thanks to all those that assisted the process by supplying letters of Professional support and I will be writing to you all individually. So we can now officially open the Green Acres Shooting School for Wing & Clay, over the next week or so we shall be promoting this coming Spring & Summer seasons Courses for Driven Wing Shooting, American style Upland & Duck Blind shooting, Sporting & F.I.T.A.S.C. clay's and our unique "Dog & Gun" course where Dan and I will be combing our skill to provide instruction on how to control and get the Best Lift & Retrieve from your Dog, improve your Instinctive Shooting Technique & Skills in the field and how to work in perfect harmony with your dog. Stay tuned to our Facebook page and log on to the changing web site for all the latest news, courses, events and the upcoming "Grand Opening of our new Spring/Summer season Sporting Clay's course, Duck Flush, Five Stand and the Green Acres "Rabbit Skeet" range!. We look forward to seeing you all soon, regards Keith Coyle, Dan & Cindy Ihrke and all the Green Acres Team.

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

Keith Coyle. Thought for the Day, cont. I was told by that great coach Chris Craddock – “A miss-mount is a missed shot”. This applies without exception to both the “Gun Up” and the “Gun down” shooter. Invariably we all start out believing that the first priority is to place the gun in the shoulder pocket and that this will naturally line the rib of the barrels with our eye. Novice shooters instinctively mount the gun using just the back hand to lift the stock to the shoulder with a pivotal movement, this, however, creates a see saw action at the end of the barrel and encourages dropping the head down to the stock to get the eye (the back site) in the right place to see the target. The prime objective of a gun mount is to bring the gun up to the dominant eye first, placing the comb under the cheekbone (your kinematic buttress) and the secondary objective is to place the stock butt plate back into the shoulder pocket, which is no more than a platform to keep the gun in place. This is normally the reverse of what our brain tells us is the right thing to do. Let’s not forget we are shooting a shotgun which we just have to point, not a rifle that has to be aimed! The most efficient, effective and consistent way to bring the gun up to the eye (the back sight) is to use both arms in unison lifting the gun with a parallel action. To practice this properly and to overcome the natural temptation to lift the gun with the back hand only you must begin with the gun parallel to the floor, with the toe of the stock, you’re back hand elbow and the top of your hip all in a line forming the start point. Then push the gun away from your body (to do it right, its feels as if you have to exaggerate this movement) as you start to raise your arms. Keeping the head still, as the stock comes up in line with the cheek draw the gun back (creating a reversing Piston Action) this should then bring the gun up to the face first and then back into the shoulder pocket second. This article continues at:

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

A thought for the day: Why Shoot Gun Down? To be able to shoot “Gun Down” and for it to be of any advantage to the shooter, you must have a consistent and Perfect Gun Mount which must be achieved with one smooth movement - not two or three. Too often I see shooters rush to mount the gun in the shoulder and then make a second move to get the barrels onto the right line of the target, then add a third to achieve lead. For the perfect gun mount and gun down movement, the gun must come to the face first and then slot back into the shoulder pocket at the same moment the barrels make contact with the target by coming up in a flat converging diagonal approach. . If the gun is mounted too soon, it achieves nothing and you might as well continue to shoot gun-up and cut out the variable of an inconsistent gun-mount. It takes time, commitment and practice to achieve a perfect gun-mount, just like a perfect Golf Swing or Tennis Stroke. Before we start our training program to get the gun-mount right, we must first understand why we are going down this road and to see what the advantages of shooting gun down will be. So, stand balanced with the feet shoulder width apart and your gun mounted and pointed at an imaginary point toward your front. Without moving your feet (same stance) and maintaining the same mount, swing the gun as far as you can to your left and your right without rolling your shoulders off the line (Rain-bowing). Make a note of how far you can go in both directions. Now take up the gun down position, keeping the gun out of your shoulder, and repeat the exercise. You will be amazed at the freedom and extra movement available, particularly to the right for right handed shooters and to the left for left handers. That’s the benefit of shooting gun down. So, if the benefit of shooting gun down tempts you to move on to this method from your gun-up style, then you’ll need to ensure you have a perfect gun mount to maintain consistency. However you must take on board the fact that Gun mount training starts at home not on the shooting range/course!!!!!

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

Keith Coyle Following my very successful attendance at last months British Shooting Show and the demand its generated for Instruction, plus a resultant invite to become an editorial contributor to one of the Shooting Sports Industry's leading magazines (more news to follow), I have rescheduled my return to America to later this month. I now have additional Coaching/Gun Fitting sessions available from this Friday up to the 19th of March. Lessons can be booked from 10 a.m. onward Monday to Saturday and Sundays till 1 p.m. For more information you can log onto the web site and to book please message me via Facebook.

Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

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While at the British Shooting Show last weekend I was asked this question numerous times: Q: Is it possible to shoot successfully with an ill-fitting gun? A: It is possible to shoot an unfitted gun with a measure of success; however, this will always be achieved by some sort of compromise in your stance, style and/or technique. This means over time, you will inevitably incorrectly fit yourself to the gun to achieve a master eye- barrel alignment. This need to adapt to the guns configuration will in the majority of cases mean dropping the head down to get the eye looking along the rib, which then disrupts the natural gun mount movement and swing, which in turn adds split-seconds to your timing and ability in making successful contact with the target, resulting in either a miss, or at minimum, inconsistency. Its important to remember that for a shotgun your Eye is the back "Gun-site" (Mark 1 Eyeball Gun-site) so, you must bring the Gun up to the Gun-site NOT take the Gun-site down to the gun! Thanks for all your comments and input, I just hope my information is helpful and beneficial to some. Regards, Keith Coyle

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Just received this short message from Friend and Pupil Mark Hinkle from the Green Acres Sportsman's Club, owe a debt of gratitude to him in return for doing so much to make the new "Downton Day Simulated Driven Shoots" such a great success!! I feel fortunate to have under your tutelage became a better shot and enjoyed your company. If someone would of told me a year ago I would get a chance to further my shooting skills from a English shooting coach I would of said "right-sure". Best regards, Mark

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Photos from Park House Private Shooting School's post

The Park House Private Shooting School is now open for business again, Coaching Lessons for Game & Clay shots, Novice to Experienced are available Monday to Saturday, Gun Fit sessions at Park House can also be arranged during the evening till 9pm and Sundays from 10am till 2pm. To arrange your booking either private message via facebook, email or call 01793 850413, please leave a voicemail message if I am busy and I will call you back.

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Want to say an immense "Thanks" to my Good Friend and Park House Colleague & Coach Steve Jaques, who's Web Site Building Genius, Personal Support and Friendship over this last year have enabled myself and The Park House Private Shooting School to re-establish itself as a First Class provider of Qualified & Experienced Instruction to all Shotgun Shooting Enthusiasts. Also another huge thanks for hand crafting the superb "Oak"' shotgun stand, getting up at unearthly morning hours and doing all the driving. Its been a real privilege working with you Mate!.

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