24HR GYM is based in West Swindon in Wiltshire (UK), where it has evolved over 30 years, with a history unsurpassed by any gym in getting results, where the beginner to advanced trainer workout along side each other in a friendly helpful atmosphere.
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facebook.comSuper Squat variation by the great Charles Glass a PT to the champions. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S_b7enhKQXw
A Super squat What is so great about the super squat which is better than the hammer strength V Squat? The Icarian super squat that has 2 designer movements One facing in and one facing out, most gyms have a hack slide that they just reverse the position on the hack slide and face in. But the machine is not designed for it, unlike the Icarian super squat that has shoulder pads, function and design specifically designed to face in and out. Effectively 2 machine movements in one. With an ultra wide foot flat plate for the variable foot positions in both movements, this can also been done safe as a one legged press facing in or out, Notice how Scott’s hips go back at the bottom of the exercise in a Natural squat position, In ordinary hack slides the back plate is fixed and your knees go forwards We spent a lot of time and effort importing it ourselves from U.S. Does anyone know if any other Gym in U.K got a Icarian Super Squat? 24HRGYM
Scott testing the precor Icarian 624 Super Squat...mad bit of kit! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=keJmETbbVpA
To PT or not PT, that is the question? Firstly thank you all for your response good and bad, it’s healthy for the industry to debate. Let’s start at the beginning. We have been running gyms for over 25 years all successfully. And in the industry for over 30 years. Before most of you were born and the rest still at school pondering a career. The PT explosion came about from gyms who wanted cheap labour by bringing in a business model of making PTs work some hours free at the gym for access to the gyms clients or The Gym took memberships but offered no instruction for free, rather pointing them towards in house PTs where the Gym took a “cut” of the fees the PT charged. We never agreed with this model we believe that if you join a Gym there should be free instruction (you would not go to a restaurant and be shown the kitchen to cook yourself) Gyms grew rapidly and then folded under this model Fitness first virtually collapsed over night, JJB is now DW, Canons is now Nuffield etc. We have seen them all come and go all these gyms created PTs...and a lot of them Those that had the chat and a bit of wit, started to get their own clients instead of giving the gym a %. The real money made in PTing is those selling the courses premier training etc at £1600 with a promise of a career. We have seen 2 bad recessions one in 1980s where interest rates were 15% there was another in the 1990s there will be another, this will wipe out the PT industry which is one of the first luxury’s people pay for to be stopped. In 2 years time 80% of the members of any Gym will no longer be there, for all the love of a PT they will have more ex clients as much as we have ex members You have 3 major career moves in your life, just because you are a devote PT instructor now, it’s only a transition chances are you have changed careers into PTing or your going to move out of PTing on a “new vocation”. You move house at least 3 times in your life and you will eventually leave your client base to fend for themselves. We have seen many many ex PTs over the years all keen and quoting amazing client results...at this moment in their time. We dissuade anyone becoming a PT just because 1. The market is saturated 2. Not a sound income or career to get a mortgage on. PTs are a popular status symbol everyone wants to talk about their PT it’s trendy, with coach’s and unlimited online email chats. England is a wet country and out door PTing is hard to make a year round consistent income peaking in the summer and tapering in the winter..cold wet and dark nights put off even the keenest client. PTing is seen as free money as you have no overheads just a kit bag and a few dyno bands running around parks or local playing fields. Any diet or work out will only work “as part of a calorie controlled diet” how many PTs can or do teach their clients how to calculate their own calories on a weekly daily basis? Not many... and that’s the same for protein intake in order to get the results from their instruction. Most PTs stuff a menu in their clients hands and say “eat this” with a handful of walnuts to personalise it...or some meal Planner they downloaded of the internet and printed off the same one for each client! There are some good PTs out there but I’m afraid it’s a bit like “who is the real father xmas, I guess it’s the one you believe in” If you are going to PT then get your own premises and run it as a Gym, but you will need a lot of clients to pay the rent and rates first or if you’re young enough get a BSc in sports science. It will take 5 years but will open up many avenues to consider like a chiropractic or a NHS consultant etc and it’s also an international recognised degree in any country. Opinions welcomed 24HRGYM
24HRGYM has no Personal Trainers (PTs) We do not allow Personal Twits (PTs) in the gym..and here are the reasons why 1. They are selling you them selves. Their own waffle on getting you in shape 2. They have a qualification they paid for from some commercial company giving them the right to teach (PT course) 3. They are an agony aunt listening to all your tales of woe and your life of highs and lows like a conversation at a hairdressers or barbers 4. They add their own ego and philosophy to your workout “what I did” and “what you need to do” etc to be like me 5. They promote themselves with the “Personal Trainer” PT me, on their clothing or vehicles to make them look branded and cool 6. They count your reps, annoyingly to other gym users (in the U.S they call PTs counters) as they count reps out loudly 7. You will not find a PT over 30 years old as he/she realises she/he has to get a proper job to get a mortgage 8. PTs believe in what they do so much as it’s in their world and if they move area they say how successful they were.. although leaving all their old clients. They are the better person 9. They give you a recommended diet of wholesome foods highlighting the benefits of each nutrient 10. They are selling themselves as gurus of knowledge on Facebook/instagram/twitter..blah blah blah When is a PT good... 1. If you are so busy and want someone else to guide your through a work out..it is good 2. If your PT can show you how to calculate calories and protein in your own diet..it is good 3. If your PT can show you in 3 months that you do not need a PT or coach to get in shape,.by evaluating how you calculate your own calories and protein..its good 4. You have client base of notariaties that find you so attractive and good looking they want to be trained by you..that is also good But if your clients have any intelligence, they do not need you as personal trainer to tell them the obvious..”they are fat because thier mouth hole is bigger than thier bum hole” and they choose to pay an idiot to convince them someone will get them in to shape (at a price) it is bad If a real “PT” should show you what to do properly.... they would loose you as a customer base... because they would show you how not to rely on a PT or a coach... and that’s not financially viable keyboard warriors opinions welcome or a personal twit (PTs) defending their income. 24HRGYM
Dirty Boots We have had 2 members in the last month who have walked mud into the Gym and the latest was yesterday The mud was so bad you could see the foot prints on the carpet all the way from the front door up the stairs along the corridor to the changing rooms We phoned the person (N.W) who was responsible and told him what he had done He said he never noticed the notice on the web site home page of “no dirty boots” when he joined He apologised and said he “won’t do it again” we replied, we were not happy with a simple apology as we had to clean it up. In which he said “we have got cleaners haven’t we?” The cleaner had just cleaned the area 5 mins before he walked in, which meant all other members had to look at his dirty footprints all day and night till the following morning We then realised we preferred not to have NW back in the gym He asked what he had to do to remain in the Gym and we said, “if he came in a cleaned it up himself that would be a good compromise” of which he agreed to do to our surprise, we have a lot of respect for that! We left out the hoover and cleaning clothe on the stairs of which he did exactly that within 10 minutes of our call Members..if you do have dirty boots when you come in, please do not attempt to wipe them on the carpet door mat Please use the shoe covers provided at the front door, just slip them over your boots or dirty shoes as soon as you walk in the door. It’s not fair on the cleaners or other members additionally we have made it easily preventable with shoe covers 24HRGYM
Name and Shame At 12.15 am. Rajeev Gurung left the weights on the seated calf machine on his last exercise, it is particularly annoying especially if it’s done early hours of the morning as no one will remove them as they will all assume it’s being used by someone This renders the machine useless for many hours. We did call Rajeev at 3am and left a message to let him know WE took them off for him this time Members please be aware while using your mobile while working out tends to make you more forgetful as you walk away from the equipment looking at your phone 📱 texting or changing music 🎧 24HRGYM
Gym Germs 🤧 Dear Members Sanondaf disinfection Service’s will be in the gym this Friday at midnight to disinfect the whole gym This will be a mist that will be sprayed throughout the whole gym in all areas, the mist is harmless if breathed in but it is best advised to avoid areas sprayed for 30 mins to allow it to disperse This will be done in sections and will be clearly marked out with taped off the areas It is an anti germ mist that clings to every part of the equipment, walls, carpets benches and kills 99.9% of all germs the mist contacts There is a lot of Flu going around also the Gym is a high bacterial area with members sweat and skin being in contact on the benches and handles We have this done regularly every 3 months If anyone feels their work place, salon, office could also benefit them please call Colin sproule of sanondaf on 07966197332 we highly recommend their services 24HRGYM http://www.sanondaf.co.uk
Boxers Wanted? 🥊 Any one feeling chilly? 🍒 Found in the showers 24HRGYM
From New York to Heathrow to Swindon What’s in the box? 24HRGYM
Tested 100% ready! for the next 20years

Another shot 📸 I done yesterday for @mitch__smith__ It's all about the ✂💈 #barber #barbershop #baberlife #barbershopconnect #barberconnect #barberlove #barberrespect # #fade #scissorcut #swindon #wiltshire #showcasebarbers #truebarberproducts barbersinctv #barberuk #barberworld #barbergang #barberswag #barbersince98 #barber4life#barbernation. #mylife #londonschoolofbarbering #punchdrunkbarber #beb #cuts #hair #haircuts #beardgang #bearded #blhairuk

#gym #gymlife #gymselfie

#newyearday #gymlife #gymselfie #biggainscoming

Photo shoot📸 I done with @mitch__smith__ after I gave him a trim✂💈 #style #haircut #photoshoot #fashion #baberlife #barbershopconnect #24hrgym #boldfade #crewcuts #mengrooming #blhairuk #cutthroat

Barber be like...... why not📸

Festively plump and ready to go. 2017 I'm coming for you 👊💪 #bodybuilding #aesthetics #physique #winter #bulking #natty #muscle #gains #2017 #ukbff #contest #preparation #motivated #dedicated #aesthetic #bodybuilder #lifestyle #gym #gymlife #gymmotivation #zyzz #fitnessmotivation #fitfam #fitspo

Christmas present from Santa 🎁 All ways about improving my work ✂💈 #barber #barbershop #baberlife #barbershopconnect #barberconnect #barberlove #barberrespect # #fade #scissorcut #swindon #wiltshire #showcasebarbers #truebarberproducts barbersinctv #barberuk #barberworld #barbergang #barberswag #barbersince98 #barber4life#barbernation. #mylife #londonschoolofbarbering #punchdrunkbarber #beb #cuts #hair #haircuts #beardgang #bearded
