Waterhall Kennels
Mark opened Waterhall Boarding kennels in August 1988, after he had completed some ten years working experience with Gun Dogs and taking training classes.
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facebook.com"Hello everyone, my name is Tallulah, I am a Golden Retriever pup. I live in a lovely home with my human mammy and my best friend Logan, who is a little boy. I love Logan very much and he loves me too!"💜🐕👨 " Logan was a little worried about leaving me for my bath, blow dry and brush at the grooming room this morning. So Auntie Denise promised she would take some photos of me being bathed and groomed so my best friend Logan can see that I was o.k. and had a good time."😀👋 "Logan helps my mammy with my training.....he holds the treats, and when I am a good boy Logan rewards me with one of my yummy treats!"😀🐶🍪
Today was a real "Alsorts" or "Bertie Bassett" sort of dog day, every one of the dogs were a different breed or type. 🐶🐕🐩🐶🐕🐩😀 Pixer is a Husky cross Staffie...it was the first time I have come across this cross, what a handsome young man he is! 😊🐕 Wilson is an adorable Lhasa Apso, who I fell in love with as soon as I met him. 😍 Shadow is a cross bred that looks like he has some sighthound in his ancestry. 😊💜 Archie is a Welsh Terrier, they were originally bred to hunt fox, they are now sadly on the rare breed list. They make great family dogs. 🐕👍 Merlin is a Labradoodle, he's another one of our regular customers, and he is a real favourite because he is always such a happy chap!😊💙 Tara the chocolate Labrador has been boarding with us, her coat was shedding badly so we gave her a good bath and groom ready to go home.🐕🛀🚿 Otis is a Beagle, who sadly has lost one eye, but he has totally adjusted to have one eye and is a fabulous little chap! 😀👁🐕 Maggie is a Cockerpoo who is just full of love and life, what a super little girl she is, she loves hugs and cuddles as well as play time!😃⚬🐕 Sugs is a little black and white terrier, she is another little girl that likes cuddles and one to one play time. She really enjoyed her bath and had a great time rearranging her lovely clean bed until it was just how she likes It!🛏🐶😂 Lastly we have Saphie who is a toy Yorkshire terrier. He is a tiny little chap with a huge heart and personality to match..... Any excuse for a cuddle and I'm willing to oblige! 😍🤗😍🤗 Days like today makes me love my job even more.💙💚💛💜👱👧
We had a quieter day in the grooming room today which gave us a chance to sort out the trophies and rosettes for the Thurlow Fair Fun Dog Show that we are running on 3rd September 2017 from noon. But first we had to see to big beautiful Ted the rotweiller, he really enjoyed his bath and massage with conditioner, and was a perfect gentleman having his nails clipped. 😊 Baxster popped in with his mum to have his ears cleaned, he is a rescue dog, he has the most wonderful temperament and just loves to give you a kiss!😂💜 Elsie the black Labrador is also a rescue dog. She has problems with her nails due to the conformation of her paws, she needs her nails trimmed every 3 weeks which makes walking much more comfortable for her. Lastly Barney the cocker spaniel had a bath, blow dry, full clip, glands, ears, teeth and nails done.......he looks like a new man! 😂🐕💚
To All,Looking forward to seeing you all,Great Day for All.
The trophies and rosettes are all ready for the Thurlow Fair Fun Dog Show that we are running on 3rd September 2017. Enrolment from noon, judging starts at 1pm. We have lovely trophies, rosettes and prizes this year and everyone goes home with a rosette. It's just £1 for each class you enter and all money goes to charity. Hope we will see lots of our friends and customers there. 😀🐶🐕🐩
Thursday is always busy and today was no exception. 😂 Moss the Border terrier came in for his regular 3 monthly appointment to be clipped. Treacle the Rhodesian Ridgeback has been boarding with us, so we gave her a bath before she goes home. Albie the Cockerpoo and his brother Charlie the Daschhound have been staying with us for the first time, they also had baths before going home. Hector is a Springer Spaniel, his mum was worried That he would be a naughty boy in the bath and having his nails cut, but as you can see he was as good as gold. 😀👏👏👏👏 Poppy is a German Shepherd dog, she is still a puppy and was such a good girl having her first bath, and she looked adorable when she was wet! 😀🚿🛀 Next we have to lift big Buddha the Mastiff in to the bath, good job we are strong girls lol 💪💪💪 😂 she really enjoyed having a bath and watching squirrels out of the window. Lastly we have some pictures of Jet the Doberman. His mum is worried about him because this is the first time he has been in kennels. He is being a very good boy, he loves cuddles and tummy tickles from auntie Shirley. he is having a Lovely time, just wish the weather was as good. lol 🌦🌦🌦⛅
It was good to be back in the grooming room today after a couple of days off. Two beautiful standard poodles called Frankie and Tilly came in for a full clip, they are litter sisters and look like a pair of bookends. 😀💜 We also had Bertie the cocker spaniel in for a clip, he lives at the coast with his new sister Lucy, who was reduced from the streets of Abu Dhabi. She is a very lucky girl too now be in a home with people that will love and care for her for the rest of her life. She has such a sweet nature, I can't imagine what she has been through in her life. 😊💜
Love it all
Wonderful words
I just love this