Bridge Community Centre
Bridge Community Centre provides opportunities for young people to play and socialise in a safe environment which welcomes everybody.
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facebook.comCome and join us for a nice cup of tea, some fresh home baking and sandwiches. Donations at the door. If you're able to come along and help, please get in touch for more information. We hope to see you there!
Come along, have some fun and help raise money for a great cause!
Support your local community - Vote for us <3 The Bridge Centre is one of the three local charities that will benefit from this programme. We'll put 1% of everything you spend on Co-op branded products or services into your Membership account. You can choose to give this to a local cause. Please go online to and get voting for Us! You will read about what we hope to offer our community! Thank you in advance and please share!
Youthworks mentoring is a YMCA Scotland mentoring support programme for young people aged 16 - 25 engaged in short-term employment training programmes or working towards training, education or employment including, but not exclusively, Activity Agreements or Community Jobs Scotland (CJS). The programme provides support through a 12 week group programme/ Drop in (2 hours a week) and the opportunity to access 1:1 support from a peer mentor. Our Next 12 week programme start on Tuesday 20th September 2016 from 11am until 1pm at The Bridge Community Centre, Bayhead, Stornoway. If you are interested in coming along, know someone who would benefit or would like more information please get in touch with Cat MacLeod, Mentoring Coordinator, Bridge Community Centre on 01851702432 or email
Job Vacancy Bayhead Bridge Centre Cleaner required Working 16 to 20 hours per week £7.20 per hour, permanent contract Application forms available from the office or by phoning 705808 or emailing
Club starts again as of THIS FRIDAY! Come along and have fun!
Youthworks Peer Mentoring Youthworks is a peer mentoring programme using a collaborative youth work approach with young people to develop group work sessions and 1:1 peer mentoring support for young people aged 16-25 that are engaged in short-term training programmes. Peer mentoring is offered for between 3 to 8 months to support you in to employment or further education. The Bridge Community Centre are also looking for Peer Mentors for the Youthworks Peer Mentoring Programme. This role will involve mentoring young people between the ages of 16 -25 years old seek employment through group work and 1:1 mentoring. You will receive all training required and have consistent support in your mentoring journey! This is an excellent opportunity for young people (18+) who are looking to give back to the community or who are looking for experience in the youth work field. If you are interested in this role, please contact Cat MacLeod on 01851702432, or email for further information
If this is something you or someone you know would like then please get in touch. Also, please share :)
Good luck to Alana, who thanks to the visit by LHYCA will be in today's Lewis and Harris archery final.
Congratulates to Leah and Amy for completing 10 hours volunteering at the Bayhead Community Center