Managing Director of Future You LTD.
Coaching people how to build a business.
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facebook.comIf you wake up not wanting to go to work it's not right for you. Work on having a life, don't let a job you dislike take up 5 days out of your 7 for 50 years of your life. Be inspired, take on challenges, learn how to grow & never give up💕
💡Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm💡 If you ask yourself honestly, Are you more stressed in your network marketing business than you were in your day job? Has your personality changed towards the people that use to get the most out of you? Do you suddenly have all these new friends which in actual fact you clicked with for one reason only? Is all your time productively helping your business to grow? This was me......I wasted time with people, made bad choices, almost lost friends, burnt myself out trying to build something up to be amazing when actually it's very easy to show how good the opportunity is to work with you if you just take a step back, stop throwing wood on the fire & just realise what's important. Do you sit for hours on your social media platforms looking at how successful others are? Wishing, hoping, comparing & dreaming that this was you? Believe me the majority isn't all as it seems. Look for what's actually changed in people's lives, not just what they say but what they show you. Genuine business owners with growth or even better a stable business don't need to point out the obvious. Seeing people come & go is "normal" in any job, don't follow others, make your own decisions, build your own empire, attract your tribe using your style. Chasing someone else's dreams only ends in a crash, be the best YOU not worrying about what others want you to be. The Training I received this evening has given me more knowledge than ever before. I'm Forever thankful for my company marketing plan & the flexibility around what I choose to put into my business. The time isn't now, it's whenever you are ready. Just like babies we all learn at different stages, take whatever pace you like, it's your life, your journey, your business.
These are a life saver......can't wait to get back on my garcinia after my baba has arrived.
Who's got loyal customers? Who's got loyal customers that we're a hard task? I don't think I could think of any better txt than one from my dad asking for his drinking gel on a monthly basis. The man that thought I was making a mistake by quitting my career as a dental nurse. The man that despite me explaining all the health benefits of aloe wouldn't even taste it for 12 months into my business. Now a fully fledged daily drinking gel addict he's one of my many loyal customers that see's & feel lots of benefits from one little shot of aloe each day. About this product- Forever aloe Vera gel has been our top selling product for decades, ideal for everyday use. Aloe is a natural cleanser & is also packed with nutrients- most beneficial in the morning before you start your day followed by 1 pint of water. *Needs to be taken for 4 weeks plus to notice any difference. 1 litre bottle lasts approx 2-3 weeks taking a 60ml shot each day. £21.50 for one or £39 for two #ad #offer
With a powerful load of products anyone can create a simple working business. Choice is everything, I chose the best company with the best prospects & most importantly products that work. You don't need to set yourself on fire to keep everyone else warm with this marketing plan. It's about building consistently, not fast, not slow, just whatever suits you & your lifestyle. Fit your business around your current commitments with as little as 5 hours per week. I work with people from all walks of life wanting different outcomes from this stay at home opportunity. Contact me for more details on how to get started.
In business we 👇🏽
Are you a retailer or business builder? Not feeling established yet? Change your approach, give yourself a chance to grow. I'm now hosting in house/or Skype in training parties for all your struggles. Simple yet effective ways that help to sell yourself naturally without that added pressure of being a "sales person" or feel like your banging on about your products all day everyday. Since taking this approach my personal experience has given me great growth. Contact me now for your appointment slot.
Today I'm Grateful for the "not settling for anything less" attitude I was given growing up. Sitting back looking at a full diary of work load to catch up on, contacting team members, customers & new potential business partners I'm super happy that I took the plunge of a stay at home business opportunity 3 years ago. Sometimes we just need to trust our gut instinct & run with the rest. A fab piece of information given to me at the start of my journey was to take the leap & learn the skills a long the way. When I started dentistry all those years ago I knew nothing about teeth (only that I needed to brush them twice daily & we have two sets in a lifetime) Did this stop me from taking on a new role? No. what It gave me was a new fresh understanding of a career, something to grit my teeth into (literally) & with this came a fresh new start, I was 17 & loved the challenge of becoming a professional. Fast forward 10 years & I'm a bored dental nurse at the top of her game with another 30 years plus of working in the same old day job. I seen an opportunity to cut my hours in half, up my pay & work for myself. This was the most scary thing I've ever done. This time I was 27 with a mortgage to pay, bills, responsibilities & a strong shopping habit. Instead of looking at it in a negative way I knew whatever I had put my mind to in the last 10 years I had conquered no problem. So with the greatest work ethics Drummed into from a young age (thanks Dad) I took on a whole new challenge I knew nothing about. Sales? Hate them...couldn't do that job!! Network marketing? What the hell is that? Products? I'll give almost anything a go!! A company marketing plan? Eeekkk sounds complicated!! A deadline? Perfect for a structured plan. Build a team? Ok, I like people. Be a leader? Scared the s**t out of me but doesn't everyone want to be a leader?? Help others? The one that made me sign the form to become a business owner.....what could actually go wrong? I'll tell you what went wrong........I didn't do this years ago!! If you looking for a fresh start with someone who will help push you to your limit & get you building whatever future you want then contact me for more information on how I can mentor you. I have helped people earn as little as £100 per month taking the pressure off the food shop right through to thousands creating a whole different lifestyle.
Who thinks sales is done by a great talker? Someone who's been trained in a certain way? What's your definition of a sales person? I've watched this man for the last two days do nothing but make money from shouting very loudly like what can only be described as an animal. No conversation skills at all yet he still does his job, very well in fact. If you learn a skill, have passion for what you do & don't let nothing get in your way your a self made professional. Next time your annoyed by a selling post think about how mr McDonald's got to where he is today....or your local supermarket. Everyone starts somewhere. If you don't make yourself known in whatever way you can how can you ever become better in what you do? #thinkbig
Aloe lips ☀️
Timeline Photos
Time is the most expensive thing you can give anyone..... In business In relationships In friendships In general When it's gone it's gone. What has this business given me? Choices to spend my time doing what I want. People say that it's hard work, I would defiantly agree.....but I also think that working for someone else who takes away your choices, time & makes you feel unappreciated is much harder. I'm yet to find a nicer feeling than earning your own cash, no one tells me what I'm worth an hour or even on a yearly basis, I decide that. What I did to achieve the level of business that changed our lives- 9 months of full on (every spare minute) working around a full time employed job. I made sacrifices to my social life, I adapted a mindset that gave me a different outlook on my future. After that 9 month mark I had built a customer base, a large team, proved people wrong that said it doesn't work but most importantly I had a business with more stability than my employment. Money/income aside I did what I set out to do, I quit my day job & became self employed. I've seen lots of success with other business owners & I'll be honest a lot more of unsuccessful situations. People have moved onto other companies, something I find pointless & shows lack of commitment to yourself more than anything else. Others have quit altogether. What you don't see a lot of is consistency, This is my one & only rule to succeed. By this I mean if you have a business that pays you the same or a similar amount of money each month. This could be £100 a month, if you keep it that way your successful, just as successful as someone that gets paid £3,000 a month or even 15,000. In my training I always talk about waves. Riding the waves within your self employed business is the hardest thing to get use to. Once you've mastered the art of the compound effect you will never fail. Everyone gets holidays....most people spend them being away for a week with the family then dread the last day because they know the return to work is vastly approaching. A lifestyle is waking up everyday not dreading a single minute. Not just for yourself but for your partner/family too. Financial stability isn't everything but it sure does help those everyday decisions. Today I'm thankful to forever living products for giving me a taste of a better life & for the training & marketing plan that makes me work hard to keep it that way, also to our other businesses that give our family of 3 soon to be 4 a fabulous future together.
Timeline Photos
💕 two years ago today I achieved my manager promotion, a massive goal set & ticked off within 9 months of starting my business. I put £199 into a discounted box of aloe Vera based health products. I used them myself, got other people to test them out, retailed some simple yet effective best sellers & set myself up for lots of challenges. What's changed since then? *I've helped two other people hit the manager promotion. *grew & mentored a global team. *ticked off more promotions on my company marketing plan including senior manager. *built a strong consistent customer base. *travelled more in two years than I have in my lifetime. *become a mummy. *proudly purchased my dream home. Each person is different, everyone has personal goals, some achievements are easier than others. What's important in this business is consistency, balance between work & pleasure but most of all staying level headed & professional. From my 10 year career in a 9-5 Monday to Friday dental background to a stay at home mum with more lifestyle choices than I ever imagined. #alwaysthinkbig #makeithappen #takeachanceontwohundrenquid