Abbey Hulton Primary School
Our overall aim is to ensure that pupils receive a high quality education which meets the needs of each child, thus allowing them to fulfil their potential
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facebook.comHere's next week's menu...🍝
Here's next week's menu... 🍽
Year 1 had a magical day at Wonderland yesterday. We visited fairytale character's houses, listened to a story from the mad hatter (which we knew very well and joined in lots!) and went on lots of fairy tale themed rides. The children had a fantastic time!✨ All children who attended have been issued a free ticket to go again.....make sure you see a member of Year 1 staff to claim yours!
We are very proud to announce we have been awarded the Gold School Games Mark!🏅🎉 School Games Mark aims at raising the profile of sport in schools through competitions, events and clubs. Making sure quality teaching is taking place and a programme of child leadership is being followed. Over the course of the year 104 key stage 2 pupils have represented the school in sporting events. We have entered 20 tournaments, four festivals and two football leagues! Our school has been awarded Gold School Games Mark as an acknowledgement of all of this! Congratulations Team Abbey!! ⭐️🏆⭐️
Year 3 had a fab trip to Norbury Park yesterday! The children enjoyed taking part in bug hunting and river dipping! 🐛
We are pleased to announce we have been awarded the Food For Life Bronze Award! 🏆 This is to celebrate the school's promotion of healthy eating throughout the school... Bronze schools serve seasonal school meals that are at least 75% freshly prepared by a well-trained school cook. Pupils and parents are involved in planning improvements to school menus and the dining experience via a school nutrition action group, boosting school meal take-up. Every pupil has the opportunity to visit a farm during his or her time at school, and opportunities are given for cooking and food growing activity. Congratulations everyone!...and huge thanks to Mrs Short & our other Food for Life champions! 🏆🍏
Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our School Dinner Questionaires! Following on from your feedback we will be posting our school menus on Facebook more regularly. The menus can also be found on our school website. The menu for next week is below...
There is still time to make a donation towards our Foodbank collection, for our Sponsor a Month project! Items can be dropped off in the wheelbarrow at the main gate tomorrow & Friday morning. All donations greatly appreciated, & huge thanks to everyone who has contributed so far! 👍
Well done to everyone who took part in the Staff v Pupils football match today! ⚽️⚽️ Logan (Captain) Year 6, led out his team of Year 5’s & 6’s to play against the Abbey Staff Team. In the first half, pupils were leading 9 – 0, with James-Year 6, named man of the match. In the second half, the staff pulled two goals back, however the final score was 14 – 2 to the pupils! Man of the match was Charlie-Year 5. Mrs Holmes and Miss Marsh were also named as ladies of the match! It was a fantastic afternoon, thank you to those who came to watch, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! 👍
Ice pops will be on sale tomorrow at the staff v pupils football match. 20p each. Please send children in with their 20p in the morning. ...we look forward to seeing parents & families at the match! ⚽️☀️
Our annual Staff v Pupils football match is taking place this Wednesday! Kick off is at 1.15pm. Entrance via main gate. All parents & families are invited to come along - 50p per adult & children free. The whole school will be watching! promises to be an exciting match! ⚽️
Well done to Year 1 who have all sat their phonic screen this week! They have all worked incredibly hard and we're very proud of them! 🌟