Vision Training Club
A brand new functional fitness training club in Shrewsbury! All enquiries please send to
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facebook.comWho’s finishing the working week with a BANG?! 💥 6.30am Boxing with @jackrogerspt See you bright and early 🥊
▪The 6.30pm Spartans earning their title this evening here at Vision 💪 • Tougher than tough! • Back again tomorrow for 6.30am Early Risers S&C, 9.30am Kettlebells and 6pm Metafit ✅ • #VisionTrainingClub #WhatsYourVision?
Find us on Cartmel Drive, Shrewsbury. Come and try your first class for FREE👊🏼 #partofthevision
Are YOU Ready ?!?! Jack Rogers Personal Training 💥💥💥💥
Now Available @ VTC
Come and be #partofthevision. Don’t forget your first class is Free with us. 👊🏻
• Monday night Rig Circuits 🏋 • 20 stations, full body pump, 45 minute blast! • Every Monday at 6.30pm here at VTC with Jack Braddick • Check out our timetable and see what other classes are on this week 💪 • Back at 6.30am for Metafit with Jamie Lambie tomorrow morning! • #VisionTrainingClub #RigCircuits #WhatsYourVision?
🙋🎉🏋🏅 ▪ It's that tough time of the month for us guys here at Vision where we have to discuss and choose just which one of our truly fantastic, committed and supportive members deserves a special shout out being Member of the Month! ▪ For her brilliant regular class attendance in February, stepping up and challenging herself by completing several distance runs for the first time and generally being so supportive of VTC and the other members, big shout to Emily Davies 🎉✅ ▪ Top work Em, we may even officially name your Metafit spot as 'Emily's Corner' too 😂 well done, and a big THANK YOU to EVERY Vision member and class atendee! #VisionTrainingClub #Memberofthemonth #VTC #Partofthevision #Shrewsburyfitness
🏋 9.30am kettlebells crew! 💪Top effort this morning guys, intense 25 minute workout, DONE by 10am! ✅ #visiontrainingclub #pukkagym #shrewsburyfitness #partofthevision
☃ A little snow didn't stop this evening's Spartans from getting their circuits blast! 💪💪 every Wednesday, 6.30pm with @jackbraddickpt ✅ #visiontrainingclub #spartancircuits
** Technique Tuesday! ** □ Kettlebell movement - Sumo squat to high pull! ■ Often thrown into our Circuits, Kettlebells and S & C classes here at VTC! □ Want to get the run down on how to get this movement flowing? Click and watch! ✅ ■ #TechniqueTuesday #VisionTrainingClub