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Jill and Donna's little swimmers

The Holiday Inn, Chester, United Kingdom
Public Swimming Pool



Baby, toddler and child swimming lessons Jill and Donna both have almost 30 years experience .


Hi Little Swimmers , the half term week is 19th- 22nd Feb . The next block starts week of 26th Feb 🐳

Hi Little Swimmers 🐬just a reminder , you will need to know your car registration number to enter using the keypad either by the main reception desk or the sports desk.Prams to be left in the corridor just next to the door leading to the Leisure Club / back entrance. Parents watching children from the poolside / teaching groups to sit over by the windows on the far side . The hotel have asked us also can this be 1 parent to 1 child . Also please try not to come through to your class too early as we need to keep the members happy as they are not used to us yet . Finally who sent the beautiful bouquet to the hotel it’s fabulous but has no name on the card . See you all very soon 😀🐬🐳🐟

Hi Little Swimmers, just to let you know we will have another person with us this week to help you settle in and show the car parking system etc. You will need your registration number. He will be wearing a badge , so look out for DAVE 😀. Also if anyone would like the badge we promised them , we will have those also. 😀😀😀

Little Swimmers just a reminder classes start at the Holiday Inn week of the 8th January 🐳🐬🐟

Hi Little Swimmers 🐬just to clarify , the new venue is The Holiday Inn , wrexham road , Chester just as you exit the A55 . Opposite the park and ride 🐬🐳🐟

Hi Little Swimmers , I am absolutely gutted to give you this news . At this present time I have no times or days for Sunday or after school classes as previously posted. The baby / toddler and pre school teaching groups can go ahead as planned . I cannot believe all this has happened . I am totally totally devastated but it's all beyond my control at this present time. Maybe things will change in the future and I will keep you posted .

Hi Little Swimmers, a change of plan already ! The hotel would like us to have Wednesday now after school and not Thursday but we can have Wednesday until 7.00 pm .

Hi Little Swimmers , I have found a new venue . We are going to start our classes at The Holiday Inn , wrexham road . All Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday classes during the day are the same . We still have a Monday morning but the hire time is different and classes will need to be looked at especially with some children going to nursery in the afternoon , so please Monday morning customers let me know if you may have a problem . After school classes are causing the biggest problem . We can have a Sunday morning and a Thursday after school but times to be confirmed. We know not everyone will be able to move with us and we would appreciate that you could let us know either way . We are hoping to start week of the 7th January as planned , but much work will need to be done to accommodate after school children . We would like to say a big Thank You for all your support through this very stressful time and to everyone have a wonderful Christmas . 🌲🌲🌲🌲🎉🎉🎉🎉🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁

Hi Little swimmers, with the sad news of the hotel I am trying to find an alternative venue. I will know more by the end of the week . Please keep an eye on this page for information . thank you for your kind comments and support. Jill xxx

Hi Little Swimmers . I am trying to find a new venue for January and will know more by the end of the week. So please check this page . Jill xxxx

Hi Little Swimmers , we have unfortunately had some really bad news . The Gateway To Wales Hotel has burnt down during the night . No body was hurt but classes obviously cancelled for the rest of this term and we will need to find a new venue for future terms .


NEAR Jill and Donna's little swimmers


Chester, United Kingdom
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