Riverpark Aquatics
Tropical Fish and supplies at affordable prices, available for delivery or collection supplying to the UK
"Run by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts"
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facebook.comLooking for some freshwater snails to take care of your glass, and add some interesting variety to your tank? Look no further than striped nerites, beautifully patterned, and can't breed in freshwater, so no snail infestations!
Large group of juvenile boesmani rainbows chilling out in a new delivery of bunched plants
you're only limited by your imagination! 3 possible examples in the one tank below, african shell dwellers, mountain minnow riverbank, and driftwood scape, don't hesitate to consider your options!
A helpful graphic below outlining the nitrogen cycle! For our newer (and some existing) members, the nitrogen cycle may be a foreign concept, it is however vitally important to understand the basics of it to ensure long-term success of your aquarium! Essentially, as fish produce waste (ammonia), this is converted by bacteria into toxic nitrite, which is further broken down to (not as lethal) nitrate. This breakdown process is performed by the bacteria in your filter and tank, and illustrates the need for an established tank when adding livestock to your tank. In the absence of bacteria, ammonia and nitrite reach dangerous levels for fish, therefore we suggest the best course of action is to obtain some existing filter media from an existing tank to add to your own (seeding), perform a fishless cycle by adding a source of ammonia until the tank establishes, or more controversially by adding fish as a source of ammonia. If electing for the fish in cycle, make sure to operate frequent water changes (often on a daily basis), along with considering bottled bacteria that help keep ammonia levels low while things start up. Water changes serve to remove end product nitrates from your tank, in tandem with live plants (that we recommend!) We'll be exploring further tank concepts in future posts, but we welcome discussion on this post below!
we've all been there!
A selection of images of the rams purchased from us by Scooby Hainey, Sha Bmc, Paul Robertson, Mariusz Matczak, John Pito and George Chapman! Bolivian, Electric Blue, and German Blue's available :)
Harlequin Rasbora, attractive, active, and entirely peaceful additions to community tanks! Found in Indonesia, Sumatra & Thailand, they appreciate heavily planted blackwater aquaria with sand and bogwood as standard. Low water flow is best, with these guys doing better in shoals. Available now!
Hi all, looking for some help from our valued members, we need to source some great pictures for our website of the following fish: electric blue ram Leopard danio Serpae tetra Assorted Mollies Assorted Platies Green Cobra Endler Assorted female endlers Red peacock cichlid Cobalt blue zebra Red zebra malawi Fuelleborni cichlid Clown Loach Betta Kuhli Loach Is this something you could help us with by sharing your fish snaps? Hoping to feature your picture contributions!
Stunning African Cichlid tank from Kirsty McPake!
Did somebody say...large nets? Take the stress out of catching fish with ineffective small nets, with one of these bad boys!
Sharing is caring! We'd love to showcase pictures of your favourite fish that you've bought from us, so if you have any aspiring scaled celebrities, send them in and we'll share them to the page :)
Thanks for the feedback!