Elegance is a relaxed, friendly salon which provides a high standard of hair dressing at an affordable price for both ladies and gents.
JT Dove are the leading independent builders merchants covering North East England, The Scottish Borders, Cumbria and Teesside.
Tyne Amateur Rowing Club is based on the River Tyne at Newburn. It was founded in 1852 and is amongst the oldest sporting clubs in England.
Photography is a Passion of mine, I live in Newburn , Newcastle Upon Tyne. I am Studio Based or Location Covering Weddings, Portraiture and Events.
KB Cycles - The North East's Premier Cycle Shop.
This is the official Facebook page for Dumfries and Galloway Council, monitored Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm (except bank holidays).
bee beautiful offers a range of treatments, specialising in female intimate waxing. Brands include cirepil waxes, jessica and
Experience a whole new world of crazy golf with us. Its an adventure from start to finish with all your favorite dinosaur friends.
Food Available Every Evening from 6pm till 8:45pm Weekends from 5pm. Also Sunday Lunch 12 till 2:30pm
May's is a family run, newly opened Coffee Shop in Bishopton full of great coffee and delicious cakes. Keep checking back for updates!
The lick and chew sweet supplies is a small buisiness to offer you quality sweets at the sweetest prices.
Family run hotel - closest hotel to the famous Gretna Registration Office, and within 5 minutes drive to Anvil Hall and the Old Blacksmiths Shop.
Top fish, chips and peas south of the Ribble!