ctra new
we are an organisation working for the good of the community
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Emmaus Charity Race Night raises £350.00
Southend coach trip today we have 1 large and 1 small coach leaving 9.15 to 9.30 am hope you all have a lovely day regardless of the weather
Coach trip to Southend on 28th August 2019. Could we please have the final payments this week we are open this Thursday from 10am to 12.30 pm and 2pm till 4pm and Friday 10am to 12pm in Library many thanks
Today is CTRA SUMMER FETE at Coldharbour Community hall from12pm till 4pm If wet will be indoors if not in car park All are welcome
Tomorrow CTRA summer fete from 12pm to 4 pm at Coldharbour Community Hall of William barefoot drive all are welcome.
CTRA we are holding a Summer fete at Coldharbour Community hall Next Saturday 20th July from 12pm till 4pm. Tables for hire £10.00 per table call 07757453264 Jenny
Photos from ctra new's post
Saturday 29thJune Great get together CTRA are having a Tombola stall in Gordon Square 12pm onwards. Saturday 20th July Summer Fete at Community Hall.William barefoot drive starts at 12pm Stalls, Refreshments and Mayor I’m attendance All are welcome. Saturday 3rd August Charity Emmauas race night buffet and its £7.00 pp at Community Hall WBF Drive times 7 pm till 10pm approx Wednesday 28th August coach trip to Southend £12.00 adult £6.00 per child Saturday 7th September Adults only to. Eastbourne £12.00 per person All you need to do is pop in library or Community Hall to book any of the above. Community Hall Tuesday mornings or Library Thursday am or Friday am
ctra new
ctra new
CTRA AGM Wednesday 27th March 2019 starts at 8pm in Coldharbour Community Hall. ALL ARE WELCOME.
ctra new