Skyblue Yoga
Skyblue Yoga is a fresh, new, contemporary yoga school. We offer yoga classes, workshops, retreats and yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance UK. Skyblue Yoga is a fresh, new, contemporary yoga school. We offer yoga classes, workshops, retreats and yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance UK.
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facebook.comTuesday evening Yoga Class starts back 9th January at Lisburn Leisureplex. Please bring a mat and blanket. This is a mixed Yoga class suitable for beginners. The aim of the sessions are Toning, Flexability, Relaxation and a deeper knowledge of how Breath and Stretch can improve not only how we look, but how we feel and cope with everyday life. These sessions are pay as you come at £7 per class.
Brightness Blessings to you all on this last evening of 2017. #newbeginnings#peace#love#joy
A simple Happy New Year to you all. Lets make it a good one xxx
TEACHER ZONE....An unfortunate reality of working in the creative industries is that, particularly when you're just starting out, you'll be expected to work for free. Know your worth and always asign at least a nominal value to your time and output. As you gain more experience, there'll probably still be a few rare occasions where the exposure gained from the project can justify working for free or reduced rates, but generally speaking exposure doesn't pay the bills. I always like to do a few charity classes each year, but I do have a limit. Setting your Rates Always ask potential clients for their budget first, rather than quoting blind. Doing this will help you avoid misquoting so you don't come in to high or to low. If your keen to do the work and the fee is below your ask, see if there's room to negotiate ( i.e. doing less hrs, getting a referral) this will attach value to your work. If you start low, make sure you let them know your rates will go up for further jobs. I have worked in the past for a fee, only to find out fellow teachers have had double the fee. ( self worth issue) A simple 5 hour workshop demands hours of your time. A 6 wk backcare programme demands hours of your time. A mindfulness programme demands hours of your time. Clients often only see the day, and as long as it goes well, you are happy. If a workshop, or training day, course, or booking fails,( and it will, ) Forever Forward is the key to success. Spread the joy and be open. I love people, and I try to get the best out of them by being as supportive as I can - but I've learned the hard way that I am not superwoman, and I can't be all things to all people. I listen to my inner voice and still find the word No hard to say. Trust your instincts, because they're always right. Prepare your wings and get ready to fly in 2018.
New Year New You DETOX Workshop Saturday 20th January Workshop One 11am to 4pm. Lisburn ( Donegal February) Cost £25 Programme Morning Detox Stretch Session Healthy Detox Soup Lunch Detox your Mind ( inspirational talk) Restorative Stretch Therapy ( Diminish tension, enhance flexability, and take your practice to a new level) Restore and Relax To book your place PM or email Please Share 😊
" SKYBLUE YOGA EDUATION and SELF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME" WORKSHOP TWO A HEALTHY BUSINESS Saturday 27th January 2018 Time 11am to 5pm Cost £85 Lisburn Open to Teachers & Enthusiasts interested in building a future in STRETCHING themselves with like minded people who wish to advance and create a community of professionals in this growing market of Wellness. ************************************************ WORKSHOP PROGRAMME * * * * * * * * * * * * Morning Stretch Session Embrace Change and Get Motivated Set realistic & achievable Goals Strive to be a Better You Grow your Business Somatic Thearpy... By creating a physical experience that you have to stand in and walk through, it makes the problem Somatic. I.e. it brings it out if your head and into your body and away from your rational mind. Good when there's something in your system that is affecting the way you manage or perform. Excellent for One to One Sessions or Small Group Sessions *********************************************** This intensive workshop is a toolkit for moving the giants out of your way and becoming a success. If you need help to navigate the world of classes, workshops, running a studio or develping yourself then join us. You will need Drive, Enthusiasm, Positivity and the Desire to raise your profile by Stretching Yourself. Snacks - Refreshments & Lunch Provided Handouts provided for personal use. Email