East Kirk Toddler Group
We are a friendly, busy toddler group in Kirkwall. We run from 9:30-11:30 Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during the school term. We are a friendly, busy toddler group in Kirkwall. We run from 9:30-11:30 Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during the school term.
Sessions are coordinated by our wonderful, helpful key-worker Tracy Linklater (you may know her from Bookbug!). Sessions include a different craft or play activity each week, followed by snack then a little singing and together playtime to end with.
Bairns have the whole hall to make the use of and do as they please when they wish. A soft play area is usually allocated for the baby attendees also. And a cuppa and nibble provided for Mummies, Daddies and carers also.
Spaces are limited so please send us a message and we'll pop you on our waiting list.
An annual £10 subscription charge is to be paid for the first bairn in every family and a following £5 for each additional bairn.
A £15 fee per family, charged each term (4 terms per year coinciding with the school calendar), covers all activities and snack.
Tell your friends
facebook.comDoes anyone recognise the purple hat? it was left behind at our fun day. It can be collected from hall between 9.30-11.30am Thursday or Friday. Also our poor pup's name was not guessed so Stewart from Grooves picked 'Gloria' from the list instead 🐶
🎈Fun day tomorrow 🎈
Tickets on sale at our fun day, being held at King Street Halls on Saturday 22nd April. Tickets available at door, entry not essential.
Tickets on sale at our fun day, being held at King Street Halls on Saturday 22nd April. Tickets available at door, entry not essential.
🎈 This coming Saturday 🎈
ADULTS £2 ** BAIRNS £1 ** 2 year old & under FREE admission includes unlimited bouncy castle use (bairns only!!) and refreshments. STALLS ** GAMES ** RAFFLE include: Nail-in-a-Bale, Lucky Dip, Bottle Stall, Hook-a-Duck, Name the Bear & Pick-a-Lolly. Interactive stall run by volunteers from the UHI Archeaology Dept. FACEPAINTING & TATTOO TRANSFERS all funds raised going towards our excellent and unrivalled Toddler Group.
9.30am to 11.30am Tuesday, Thursday or Friday