St Andrew's Catholic Church Bearsden
Mass Times:
Mon - Sat 10am
Sunday Mass:
Saturday Vigil 6pm
Sunday 10 am (Children's Liturgy)
Sunday 12 noon
Holy Days 10am & 7pm Confessions:
10.30am - 11.00am
5.15pm - 5.45pm
9.15am - 9.40 am
Baptism by appointment
Marriage by appointment (please give six months notice).
Upper and lower halls available for rent. Call 07528 425 698 for enquiries.
Tell your friends
facebook.comPlease see post from Drumchapel Foodbank. The food donated to the Church will be delivered to the Foodbank throughput the summer holidays.
Monsignor Henry, whose grave is in New Kilpatrick Cemetery, Boclair Road, was parish Priest of St Andrew’s from 1978 – 1995. The contribution he made to the development of St.Andrew’s, particularly in driving forward the construction of the present church building, was immense. In this Golden Jubilee Year, and on the anniversary of his death, the rosary will be prayed at his grave for the peaceful repose of his soul and for the eternal rest of all the faithful departed. All are most welcome. Please gather at the cemetery gates at 2pm on Sunday, 6th August.
Monsignor Ryan was overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness he received on the occasion of his ‘special birthday’. But most especially on the 50th Anniversary of his priesthood. It would be impossible to thank everyone individually. He hopes that you will understand this. The Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
The Pope' Prayer Intention for July. Pray for those who have strayed from the faith.
Monsignor Ryan celebrated the Golden Jubilee of his Ordination at the Vigil Mass on Saturday 1st July followed by a reception in the Upper Hall. Thanks to all who made this a very special occasion.
Many thanks to our Parishioners for their weekly donations.
REBOOT LIVE Revitalise your faith with Catholic author and speaker Chris Stefanick, Bute Hall, Glasgow University. 27th July at 7pm. See poster in porch for more details. Email for complimentary tickets:
SCOTTISH CATHOLIC YOUTH SURVEY In 2018, Pope Francis and the Bishops of the world are going to gather and discuss YOU - they are going to be talking about what your life is like, the ways in which you engage with the Church and what you think of God’s plan for your life. In order to give them something to work with, you have been invited to complete the following survey: By doing so, you are contributing to the discussion, as well as having the option to be entered into a prize draw for a £100 voucher. The deadline for the survey is the 30th June 2017.
Monsignor Ryan is celebrating the Golden Jubilee of his ordination this year. This will be celebrated on July 1st at the Vigil Mass followed by a reception in the Upper Hall. As it is nearing the end of their season the Carpet Bowlers invited Monsignor to join them for tea yesterday and presented him with a gift highlighting his love of golf.
PARISH MISSION JUNE 3rd-11th 2017 Our parish's deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks to Fr Ronnie and Fr Peter for leading us in what was a most fulfilling, very uplifting, and deeply grace-filled eight days of Parish Mission. The Mission, I'm sure, has helped many on their journey of faith - that journey of entering more deeply into relationship with God. I am sure it has helped many to be brought closer to the person of Christ. It was great and very heartening to see such a good turnout at the 7am & the 10am Masses. Good numbers too were consistent for the weekday evening Liturgies. We look forward to inviting Fr Ronnie and Fr Peter back at some stage as a follow up to our Parish Mission in early Lent for Forty Hours. The Parish Mission was one of a whole calendar of events to mark our parish's 50th. A huge and sincere thanks to the 50th planning group - a lot of work and time went into this Mission’s preparations - not least a lot of work in the preparations of the Masses and the liturgies. And many thanks to all those who made every effort to ensure that the Mission was advertised as well as it possibly could be - via leaflets, flyers, Messengers delivering the Reachout, bulletin notices, social media & local paper etc. Thank you. We wish Fr Ronnie and Fr Peter ongoing success in their future ministry of preaching the Gospel through Missions and Retreats – helping bring people closer and closer to Christ. The Mission ended with a family BBQ enjoyed by all of those who attended. Fr. Mackle
Young people of the Parish please complete the survey to help the Church to help you!
BBQ this Sunday.🍔🍔🌭🌭Everyone most welcome.