Andy Loos Ltd
We supply luxury and every day toilets for festivals, weddings, parties, graduations and every day building projects. There is nothing we don't know about toilets! We have depots in Cornwall, Devon, Bristol, Banbury and Southampton and cover most of the UK and the Isles of Scilly and White. Andy Loos can also supply shower units, disabled access units, baby changing units and high dependency trailers. We have over 25 years of experience, great customer service and new luxury trailer units designed and made each year at our head office in Kidderminster.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS🚽 Toilet Tours Offered In London 🚽
In London this weekend, How about a toilet tour of our capital?😂
Our festival feedback has been incredible this year. We aim to provide the best experience possible for any event. Our event staff membes really appreciate the kind words, thank you all.
Your portable toilet hire step-by-step guide
Construction workers to see pay increase - Andyloos
Good news!
Big Day in a Box
We are happy we could work with Fews Marquees and Big Day in a Box to provide luxury facilities for this big day. View the rest of the album, the pictures are great!
Find our portable toilets this festival season. - Andyloos
Going to a festival this year? We are too!
A new toilet law could ruin small businesses | blog | Anylooos
Public toilets cut, but can small businesses pick up the slack?
Merlin helicopter takes out portaloo toilets
We feel for whoever has to clean up this mess :O 😱
Spot our Portable Toilets this festival season - AndyLoos
Are you going to any festivals this year? Partying or working? Let us know!
The best advice for festival toilet hire - Andyloos
What questions to ask when hiring toilets for your festival
Blog: Construction skills shortage
The UK needs more builders to match our construction targets.
Timeline Photos
We are collecting loads of Easter Eggs for the kids charity CHICKS. We are using all our willpower not to eat them!