Pearls With Breckon
How It Works:
1 - Choose and buy your piece of jewellery on the website - We sell 925 stamped sterling silver jewellery! :) where you then get a free oyster opening, where you can pop your own pearl to go into your jewellery :)
How It Works:
1 - Choose and buy your piece of jewellery on the website -
2 - We are live for openings on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. If you would like to book in for a certain day please include with your order.
3 - The pearl will be placed or mounted onto your chosen piece of jewellery.
Delivery can take up to 14 workings days
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facebook.comI am having to cancel tonight's live. Aaron got home and his asthma is so bad im taking him keydoc so they can get him breathing properly. (hes grumpy im making him go🙈) I am sorry about the short notice!! He didnt tell me he was this bad. Everybody who has ordered tonight if you dont want to wait i can send over a refund please email me. Or your opening will be on Sunday 18th. I am sorry again!
Part 2 ⭐Lets Have A Squidge⭐⭐ 💥Fully Booked For Tonight💥 🙈💜Shorter Live Tonight, Puppy Kept Me Awake Most The Night💜🙈 If you would like to order for Friday evening, then please go to:
⭐⭐Lets Have A Squidge⭐⭐ 💥Fully Booked For Tonight💥 🙈💜Shorter Live Tonight, Puppy Kept Me Awake Most The Night💜🙈 If you would like to order for Friday evening, then please go to:
🙈Emails for tonights opening's were not sent, if you cant make tonight you will be put on Friday evenings live.🙈 ⭐We will be live around 8pm⭐ 🦋It is a shorter live tonight, puppy kept me up at least every hour last night, I hope you understand🦋 🎉Everybody who has ordered so far unless requested another night has been put on tonight🎉 Tracey W Denise W Kelly L Marie P Vicky G Lorraine W Lorna C Xena H Kerry H Hannah M Mystery Person 8608 Kath H Denise C Nikita S Stephanie K Diane K Katie H Leanne C Paula T Stephanie W If you would like to order for Friday's Live please go to:
Part 2 ⭐⭐Lets Have A Squidge⭐⭐ 🦋🦋Happy Mothers Day🦋🦋 💥Fully Booked For Tonight💥 If you would like to order and book in for Tuesday 13th March please go to:
⭐⭐Lets Have A Squidge⭐⭐ 🦋🦋Happy Mothers Day🦋🦋 💥Fully Booked For Tonight💥 If you would like to order and book in for Tuesday 13th March please go to:
🦋🦋Happy Mothers Day🦋🦋 ⭐We are aiming to be live between 7:30-8pm⭐ 💫If you would like to order you will be booking in for Tuesday 13th March💫 Mystery Person 8435 Kirstie D Marisa C Sian H Linda B Mystery Person 8475 Denise W Carol S Rebecca L Sarah S Barbara B Celine P Sarah C Marie P Cara M Chantal M Ellie G Kate B Rebecca L Christine O Tina M Tracy F Megan M Stephanie W Lisa H Adele C Leanne S Donna M Annemieke H Amy S Jennifer H If you would like to book in for Tuesday please go to:
😍I Am In Love😍 #bee #bumblebee #bumble #buzz #jewellery #cagependant #pearl #letshaveasquidge #pearlswithbreckon
#sneakpeek #onwebsite #rings #pearls #jewellery #letshaveasquidge #pearlswithbreckon
⭐⭐Lets Have A Squidge⭐⭐ 💥Fully Booked For Tonight💥 🦋Thank You For Liking And Sharing🦋 If you would like to order for Sunday Evening please go to:
💥💥Fully Booked For This Evening💥💥 ⭐If you would like to order you will be booking in for Sunday 11th March⭐ If you would like to order please do so on the website: 🦋Your List For This Evening🦋 Mystery Person 8458 Mystery Person 8475 Micky S J Barbara B Denise W Emer S Kath H Bramall H Christine W Carol S Hazel W Karen M Rebecca L Sarah S Vicky C Lisa M Mystery Person 8563 Myster Person 8564 Claire O Liane T Lisa G Ian B Bramall H We may extend the list later on this evening, but it just depends on the time, so if you would like to order it may be tonight, but most liking sunday evening.
Part 2 ⭐⭐Lets Have A Squidge⭐⭐ 😍Thank you for liking and sharing😍 If you would like to order please go to: