Paul Stemp Health & Wellbeing
Health, Wellbeing, Fitness, Sports Massage & Injury Therapy.
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facebook.comThese look incredibly yummy! 😀
Struggling for gift ideas?... How about a voucher for a Sports Massage or Personal Training session. It could be just what that special someone needs 👍 Contact me for more information or to purchase 😊
Suffering with lower back pain?... Think you might have Sciatica?... Have a read of this article which might help you better understand your situation and enable you to seek the correct treatment.
Nice little challenge for your strength, balance and flexibility 😊
Perseverance and consistency are key...
This will be highly beneficial for a few of you! 😊
I have been helping a family member with a sore shoulder/stiff neck over the last two weeks. Following a couple of short treatments and regularly doing a few exercises that I recommend they have noticed a vast improvement. They have told me that last night they slept the whole night through and that this morning they no longer have any pain/discomfort 😊 To anyone suffering with physical pain/discomfort you will know what a difference this can make and how you can feel like a totally different person as a result. If I might be able to help you or someone you know please get in touch.
So today is mainly consisting of Soft Tissue Therapy for lower back/hip injury from horse riding, lower back/shoulder injury from tending to an allotment and assessing and treating a frozen shoulder. Also, a couple of PT sessions to do! 😊
So true!
Have a look at this post from Britta for your chance to win a FREE sound healing treatment. I've had one of these myself and it is truly wonderful so be sure to enter for your chance to win 😊
Awesome post from the guys at Original Strength. I love using some of these drills myself and with clients I work with 😊
If you are heading to the Mind Body Spirit festival this weekend make sure you find Britta and book in a taster session with her, her treatments are truly transformational 🙏