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Body Health Imaging

High Wycombe Chiropractic Clinic, 27 London Road, High Wycombe, United Kingdom
Medical & Health



Medical Thermal Imaging
Mobile services I bought my Meditherm Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) camera in 2006 and was trained as a Certified Clinical Thermographer (CCT) at the same time. In 2007 I further trained as an Advanced Clinical Thermographer.
At the time my camera was only the 6th in a private clinic setting.
I am a member of American College of Clinical Thermology.
DITI has been recognized as a viable Adjunctive Diagnostic tool since 1982 FDA (USA), since1987 by the AMA Council on Scientific Affairs, the ACA Council on Diagnostic Imaging, the Congress of Neuro-Surgeons in 1988 and in 1990 by the American Academy of physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Meditherm has been in the business of Medical Thermology for over 20 years and is the world leader in the supply of Medical Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging systems.
Meditherm DITI systems are registered with the FDA (USA) and comply in full with all current EU requirements.
As a clinic affiliated with Meditherm we follow the protocols developed as international standard for Thermal Imaging.
All Medical Reports are provided by EMI-Interpretation corporation [Electronic Medical Interpretaion] by Certified Thermologist, who are all Medical Doctors, MDs, with 200 hrs extra training in Thermology. The service can provide 2nd opinions and all Thermologist are Peer-reviewed and abide the HIPAA US regulations.
Scans are stored by EMI centrally, so any client can proceed with scans from other clinics worldwide, providing them with continuous assessment - unique to Meditherm affiliated clinics.

Medical Thermal Imaging is totally safe, non-invasive and can be used at any age. DITI is unique in its capability to show physiological change and metabolic processes. It has also proven to be a very useful complementary procedure to other diagnostic modalities.

I intend to use this site for promotion/education of Medical Thermography.

I am very happy to provide mobile service for Health care professionals who would like to host this service at their own clinic. Please contact me directly for further discussion.

Current Mobile Locations in Maidstone, Kent at the Southcote Chiropractic Clinic and in Bath at the Apthorp Centre for Chiropractic and Holistic Therapies.

Thermal scans are either:
Full Body with/out Breasts studies
Half Body with/out Breast Studies
Region of Interest with/out Breast Studies
Breast studies (base & 3 months); Annuals or Recalls.


A run through of research into this question

Switzerland Completely Abolished Mammography Screenings: Here’s Why You Should Probably Never Get One

Current situation in Switzerland

The Truth About Cancer

Very helpful information

This is indeed a hotly debated topic


Important information


Very much worth knowing!

Does this settle the debate??

The Truth About Cancer

Interesting article

Young Indian-Australian doctor invents a simple way to detect breast cancer

This would be an excellent progressive way to bring simple testing to the every female and could be potentially an easy early screening method. Hope further research will show it to be reliable so it can be implemented soon. Shame the "dog-sniffing " didn't achieve the looked for early potential, as this would like wise have been easily implemented in GOP surgeries.

The Truth About Cancer

Changing times?

Common chemo drug cyclophosphamide improved by gut bacteria

Interesting thoughts on the latest research into the chemo efficiency and its relation to gut bacteria


Has been mentioned for some time but now studies are being published too


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