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The Tarot Connection

9-13 Scarborough St, Hartlepool, United Kingdom
Arts & Entertainment



Are you intrigued by the ancient, mystical Tarot?.Would you like to learn their secrets? If yes, this is the place to be!  



So looking forward to my new workshop this coming Sunday, cant wait to meet my new apprentice witches and see my old ones too ;-) I've had a cancellation , so there's a place left, just inbox me if you fancy it. Many people are curious about what goes on in my Coven on Sundays?.....Well, I couldn't possibly tell you all the secrets of my witch work shop..".What goes on in the Coven, stays in the Coven"....All I'll say is it consists of ...spookiness, magical moments, teachings of the Tarot, laughter, female bonding and empowerment, Bettys special ginger wine, and more laughter... PS. We don't dance round a fire naked , however, there's always a bit of sex talk, here and there.....Witches altogether, what can I say?!

Morning Sweetiepies....Are you all getting ready for the "Super blue blood moon"!?...January 31th. A blood moon has come to refer to a lunar eclipse when the moon is at the closest point in its orbit to the Earth. It hangs blood-red and heavy and big in the sky. You can still see the moon during the lunar eclipse, because it’s lit up by the sunlight passing through Earth’s atmosphere. A blood moon is red because sunlight has been refracted and filtered. The green and violet shades of the spectrum have been scattered and diffused. It’s the red light that’s mainly left to reach the moon’s surface. That's the technical bit out the way....Its the perfect to cosmic order!.....

Morning gorgeous people!...May your guardian angel guide you in the right direction today, where the laughter is, and where all those lovely, uplifting people hang out! xxxx After all, you cant expect to live a positive life if surrounded by negative, draining folk...Seek out those who make you smile xx Looking forward to my Sunday.....Laughter, friendship , and witchery at the Coven , then Mamas dinner, then...a Peaky Blinders fest!....Can I cope with all this excitement!...xx

Morning Chuckieggs... I get asked this question regular, especially from men!...." WHY GET A TAROT READING?".....So here goes..........The Tarot is a powerful tool for gaining insight into your self and your life. As with many techniques that are used for self-improvement, the Tarot has benefits and limitations. While it can do quite a lot for you, it cannot solve all problems, and is not designed to make decisions for you or tell you what to do. A Tarot reading is like a snapshot of what your life looks like at the time of the reading. The cards tune into your energy - the person asking the question - to give you a picture of unseen influences, patterns of behaviour, obstacles, and strengths. A reading can give you an idea of where you are now, where you've come from, where you want to be, and how to get there. While the Tarot gives suggested actions to take and a likely outcome if you take them, it does not necessarily predict the future. The future is not a static or unchangeable thing. You make choices and decisions each moment of your life, whether or not your are conscious of them. The gift of free will allows each person the ability to create the future he or she wants. With the insight gained through a Tarot reading, you will be better equipped to make decisions and take action that is in line with your best interests, growth and development....Hope this makes things a bit clearer? A SPOOKY, MAGICAL WEEKEND EVERYONE! XXX

Morning Sweethearts....For those seeking their Soul mate...Manifest him/her, you have the power, just believe, and never ever doubt, as doubting is a negative, and you will not attract the right person if you're filled with negativity...Release the past hurts, don't let the pain hold you back, keep smiling, as the perfect person will fall in love with your smile.......There are two people you’ll meet in your life. One will run a finger down the index of who you are and jump straight to the parts of you that peak their interest. The other will take his or her time reading through every one of your chapters and maybe fold corners of you that inspired them most. You will meet these two people; it is a given. It is the THIRD that you’ll never see coming. That one person who not only finishes your sentences, but keeps the book.....CAPICHE!...Have a nice day everyone...xxxxxxxxxx

Morning Chuckieggs!... Today I'd like to tell you about THE 4 OF WANDS..One of my favourite cards......I love it when this lovely card comes up in a reading, for me it says loud and clear " YOUR SHIP HAS COME IN PET"!..Joy, celebration, you are about to start your new journey.It is always great news ahead when the Four of Wands is in the future position of your reading. This is a signal of two things: the first is that the future forecast is coming pretty soon, in the next few months at the latest..The second thing represented by this card is a joyous moment that you would never have predicted. For most of us, happiness occurs in hindsight; we recall good times and being happy regardless of whether or not we were bored or anxious at that time. There are precious few moments in life when we are truly happy and cognizant of that feeling as it is happening... The Four of Wands will not reveal the specifics of what is about to make you happy, but it does let you know that a surprise is coming....oooh how exciting!!....I do hope each and everyone of you get this wonderful card in your next reading! xx.....The decks I've chosen today are The Dragon tarot, The Mythic Tarot and the Legacy of the divine Tarot..

Morning Lovely ones....Talk to Archangel Chamuel if you are looking for love or wanting to bring passion to an existing relationship....Ask for guidance, and know in your heart that you have been heard...You will start seeing the colour pink a lot, and also hearts everywhere, in many forms! So just be aware that this lovely Archangel is showing you the right path to true love, or helping you to fan your existing embers into scorching flames!..XXXX Have a wonderful rose tinted day! xxxxxx

Morning Bambinos!!...I woke up feeling very optimistic, I am a very positive person, but not always first thing in the morning, well till I've had my blueberries, and peanut butter on crumpets!..anyway... So, something is in the air I suspect!.....So, would like to give you all a big almighty blast of energy!!!!!!.WHOOOOOOOOSH!!!!..... Sent through the airwaves with kisses and hugs attached......Your egg has just cracked, you're hatched, c'mon what you waiting for?...FLY, theres a world waiting xxxxxxxxxx Ponty loves ya

Morning Beautiful ones....Sending some healing to those who need it, sending some passion for those who are lacking the sparks ;-)....and sending some big hugs for those who could really do with one, or twenty.....Have a wonderful day everyone xxxx

Good morning friends, heartfelt thanks for continued support and likes for my page...Isn't this a beautiful quote, everyone should feel like this once in their lives...And if you haven't felt like this yet, you will, just try to de clutter the past hurts and all that emotional baggage, its weighing you down, you cant fly with too much baggage!...So, let go of the past, stay positive, and manifest the person of your dreams and they will come, be patient....Love and chocolate cake Gina xxxxxx “You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”

Hi friends,The Coven opens its doors again this Sunday for eight weeks, and there are a few places left, so inbox me if you're interested...If you are intrigued by the mystical Tarot and would like to learn how to read them for yourself and for others, The Tarot workshop is the place to be on a Sunday afternoon!...I've had 35 years experience, so will be telling all my secrets!..I also talk about everything spiritual, celestial ,they'll also be regular predictions for you all, plus, Mamas special recipe ginger wine, and most important of all, knicker wetting laughter!!....Looking forward to seeing my new bunch of apprentice witches!.xxxxxxx Call me on 07990 608939 to secure your place..

Morning Poppets!...I've just discovered a new Tarot deck!!..."The sensual goddess" by Fredrick Potter....oooh errr....I've come over a bit unnecessary!.....Nowt wrong with a bit of raunch on Thursday morning!.....Anyway, here are the KING and QUEEN of WANDS.....Wands = fire, so people born under Leo, Aries and Sagittarius would be represented by these cards...Noble, big hearted, generous, strong, enthusiastic, warm, passionate. The Queen of Wands by far the most masculine of all the ladies of the Tarot ,but are also very feminine, and also can be the sexiest, think Kim Cattral in "Sex in the City", the embodiment of a true Lioness..The Wand Kings are usually alpha males, strong and charismatic, think Sean Penn, Robert De Niro....Ciao for now xxxxx....Oh and Happy birthday Leo's....The second half of this year will be much better than the first CAPICHE! XXXX


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