Gosport Women Only Kickboxing
Kickboxing and self defence designed for women only in Gosport
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Couples of Gosport! Fancy some Tough Love? Stuck for something to do Valentines Day? Come and join us on Valentines day and train with your partner! Fun, Fitness & Self Defence!
Fitness drills with a twist of fun : would you like to try kickboxing message below "interested" and we will contact you asap
Are you training for fat loss? Myth: Fat can be targeted and reduced in specific areas of the body. Fact: Also known as spot reduction, the ability to pick and choose where one is to lose fat is completely false. There is a large genetic predisposition to where an individual may carry fat, as well as the fact that diet and exercise in combination are factors that determine body fat percentage. Bottom Line: Performing 1000 crunches with the intent of revealing a six-pack of abs won't work without a change in diet and some sort of cardio or resistance exercise to accompany the fitness plan.