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Glasgow Prophetic Centre

40 Wellington Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Christian Church



A centre of prophetic excellence. Training and equipping the church to transform Europe, as a testimony to Jesus. We are a passionate people, excited and delighted by what God is doing as He restores prophecy in our nation of Scotland. We’re helping to train the church to flow with excellent prophecy, so that we can strengthen, encourage and comfort each other.

Hundreds of people just like you are learning to grow in their prophetic gifting at our Schools and Conferences. Many more are testifying each week to amazing miracles, incredible physical and emotional healings, finding freedom and experiencing powerful, life-transforming encounters with Jesus Christ!


Just for a laugh! What happens when four prophets go into a pit on a snowy day? (Watch to the end for the full ridiculousness!) - with Emma Stark Some of our leaders are having a couple of days away to pray and strategically plan as we enter our 10th year of ministry. Pray for us please (some of really need it, lol!!)

Some of you have dreams that you thought had been lost or forgotten; dreams of ministry, business opportunities or family restored. But God would remind you today that often a seed has to fall into the ground and die for a great harvest to come - often dreams need to be lost for a moment to produce new life and multiplication. God is He who can restore all that has been lost - and some! Look to Him for the restoration and multiplication of the dead or sleeping dreams. John 12:24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

Welcome to our Sunday gathering at Christian International Glasgow. This morning Emma Stark has a word for those who need to know who they are going to be in this season. . . You can support our work of communicating prophetic truth to the world by making a gift offering here:

Anyone feeling stressed, anxious or struggling with tasks, workload or a seemingly never-ending to-do list? Sam Robertson has a short and powerful prophetic word for you today... #shortbread #prophecy

Pocket watches are falling into your hands in the spirit as God releases His order into your seasons, redeeming lost and stolen time. For those who are stuck in sickness and wounds of the past, God is releasing watches with green leaves that carry healing and wholeness. As they drop into your hands you'll receive what you need to redeem the time that was lost. For all, as you catch these gifts of 'redeemed time', you're going to be enabled to run your race in pace with God. You're coming into days of moving in, by and through His spirit, leaving behind what's not of God and running into what is of Him. Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. ---your #lionbites daily prophetic word from Glasgow Prophetic Centre.

Heavenly lullabies are being sung over you today releasing a capacity for rest. As these songs are released over you there are changes coming to your sleeping patterns as well as order coming to your thought processes and peace coming to your internal workings. As you receive these Heavenly lullabies there comes an ability to be anchored in knowing that your Abba Father is with you and He's got you in His hands. Tune your ear to the sounds coming from Heaven and let yourself embrace rest as a lifestyle rather than a moment. Zephaniah 3:16-17 MSG Jerusalem will be told: “Don’t be afraid. Dear Zion, don’t despair. Your God is present among you, a strong Warrior there to save you. Happy to have you back, he’ll calm you with his love and delight you with his songs. ---your #lionbites daily prophetic word from Glasgow Prophetic Centre.

Many of you feel as though you’re standing at a crossroads with not just two options but four or more. As you stand confused and even perplexed, wondering which is the right way, the Lord says to you 'Trust me!'. For some, these words may bring an anger or a frustration yet God continues, 'Have I not proven myself and my ways to you many times before? Trust me on this. As you do, you will hear my words saying 'this is the way, walk ye in it', just at the right time. I've promised to never leave or forsake you, so why would I start now? It's not only about direction, it's about my timing. Dare I say it again, 'trust me!'' Psalm 37:3-8 Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. ---your #lionbites daily prophetic word from Glasgow Prophetic Centre.

Angels of restitution are descending into the atmosphere around you holding in their hand's restorative miracles to bring turn around. They come to begin a God-initiated work of restitution, where that which has been plucked out of your hands or stolen from you is coming back in surplus. There are callings being restored; some of you feel as though through various circumstances, the enemy took your call away from you and you’ve thought that you’ll never get to walk in it again. This is not the will of God for your life. Open your hands and receive the restoration of your purpose and your destiny – you will fulfil what God has purposed for you. There are family relationships God is turning around; phone calls from those who disconnected and rejoice in advance for the salvation of your prodigals. There is a restoration of joy for those battling with depression and a restoration of peace for those who feel owned by anxiety. Restoration is yours today. Receive this work that the angelic hosts are coming to bring. Isaiah 54:11-14 Afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted, I will rebuild you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with lapis lazuli. I will make your battlements of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious stones. All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great will be their peace. In righteousness you will be established: Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you. ---your #lionbites daily prophetic word from Glasgow Prophetic Centre.

My child, why do you doubt? You doubt your own thinking and at times even doubt me. Why? I only have the very best for you because you are the apple of my eye! Doubt comes from one source only, please recognise this. Right from the beginning of time, the enemy has tried to sow seeds of doubt in my children. Don't let these seeds grow in your life, stand on the lies of the enemy and crush them beneath your feet, not letting them germinate and grow. Believe me and my word. I have chosen you and I make no mistakes. James 1:6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. Zechariah 2:8 For thus says the Lord of hosts: “He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye. ---your #lionbite daily prophetic word from Glasgow Prophetic Centre.

Welcome to our Sunday gathering at Christian International Glasgow. This morning Pastor John is preaching on Strategies for Victory! . . . . You can support our work of communicating prophetic truth to the world by making a gift offering here:

I am putting my fire in you to burn away the dross; the things that would hinder you from moving forward into your destiny. Submit to my fire and let it do what I sent it to do in and through you. This fire will come personally and then start to flow out to where you walk and the atmosphere will start to change everywhere you go. But, before it flows out and impacts others, I ask you to humble yourself before me and let me prepare you for what is to come. Why? Because I have called you for such a time is this. Malachi 3:2-3 But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire and like launderers’ soap. He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness. ---your #lionbites daily prophetic word from Glasgow Prophetic Centre.

God is speaking to the parched and the spiritually thirsty saying ‘I’ve seen your desire for more, I’ve felt your thirst as prayer rising up towards me. Whilst you’ve felt disconnected from the promise, as though you’ve been waiting in limbo, I’ve been doing a remarkable work of preparation in you. I’ve been readying your heart, sifting out the noise and distraction that you were aware had risen in your life. I’ve been growing the capacity of your spirit, pushing out what is not for this season and expanding the measure of me you’re able to hold. I’ve been getting you in the midst of your frustration.' The Lord says ‘but now, as a fully readied individual, the scent of water comes to you. I’m filling you up; really filling you up. This type of infilling is not one you can hold back for yourself rather, it's an infilling to overflow – to spill out and affect change and transformation in the lives of others. As you start to see and smell the waters of my spirit moving towards you, you’ll start to come alive.’ Open your hands and receive this infilling, for it is great and mighty and it will bring undoubtable transformation. Job 14:9 Yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant. ---your #lionbites daily prophetic word from Glasgow Prophetic Centre.


One of the most exciting things about the "Start 2018 Right!" Conference was seeing people of all different age groups attend. So exciting for our nation! • • • #start2018right #glasgowpropheticcentre #prophecy #propheticconference #momentum #scotland #upperroom

One of the most exciting things about the "Start 2018 Right!" Conference was seeing people of all different age groups attend. So exciting for our nation!
#start2018right #glasgowpropheticcentre #prophecy #propheticconference #momentum #scotland #upperroom

"Flickers of Change." In some of the darkest situations you face God is starting to bring back hope and light again through small flickers and little changes. -------- Read the rest of today's "Lion Bites" on our Facebook page and be sure to sign up for the daily "Lion Bites" email. • • • #lionbites #glasgowpropheticcentre #dailypropheticword #propheticvoice #prophesy #spiritfilledlife #godisforyou #hopeandlight #transformation #jesuseyes

"Flickers of Change."
In some of the darkest situations you face God is starting to bring back hope and light again through small flickers and little changes. --------
Read the rest of today's "Lion Bites" on our Facebook page and be sure to sign up for the daily "Lion Bites" email.
#lionbites #glasgowpropheticcentre #dailypropheticword  #propheticvoice #prophesy #spiritfilledlife #godisforyou #hopeandlight #transformation #jesuseyes

Thankful for Apostle Jane Hamon and the gift that she is to the Body of Christ world wide. • • • #start2018right #glasgowpropheticcentre #propheticconference #prophecy #encouragingword #glasgow #scotland #holyspirit #momentum #surge #janehamon

Thankful for Apostle Jane Hamon and the gift that she is to the Body of Christ world wide.
#start2018right #glasgowpropheticcentre #propheticconference #prophecy #encouragingword #glasgow #scotland #holyspirit #momentum #surge #janehamon

"God is gathering and deploying His angelic hosts to bring new gifts of creativity to His children in this season. These abilities will enable a fresh expression of God's heart to come into the earth. Some will pick up guitars and start to play them, others will lift a paintbrush and start to paint." ------ Read the rest of today's "Lion Bites" on our Facebook page and be sure to sign up for the daily "Lion Bites" email. • • • #lionbites #glasgowpropheticcentre #dailypropheticword #propheticvoice #prophesy #spiritfilledlife #godisforyou #creativegifts #painterscomealive

"God is gathering and deploying His angelic hosts to bring new gifts of creativity to His children in this season. These abilities will enable a fresh expression of God's heart to come into the earth. Some will pick up guitars and start to play them, others will lift a paintbrush and start to paint."
Read the rest of today's "Lion Bites" on our Facebook page and be sure to sign up for the daily "Lion Bites" email.
#lionbites #glasgowpropheticcentre #dailypropheticword  #propheticvoice #prophesy #spiritfilledlife #godisforyou #creativegifts #painterscomealive

What a gift to be able to stand in a room full of "strangers" yet know you're standing, worshiping, and believing with Kingdom "family." We're all blessed to have each other. • • • #start2018right #glasgowpropheticcentre #propheticconference #prophecy #encouragingword #glasgow #scotland #holyspirit #standingtogether #momentum #kingdomfamily #bodyofchrist #together

What a gift to be able to stand in a room full of "strangers" yet know you're standing, worshiping, and believing with Kingdom "family." We're all blessed to have each other.
#start2018right #glasgowpropheticcentre #propheticconference #prophecy #encouragingword #glasgow #scotland #holyspirit #standingtogether #momentum #kingdomfamily #bodyofchrist #together

Anyone go to the shop for a bee pillow after the conference? • • • #start2018right #glasgowpropheticcentre #propheticconference #prophecy #encouragingword #glasgow #scotland #holyspirit #bees #momentum

Anyone go to the shop for a bee pillow after the conference?
#start2018right #glasgowpropheticcentre #propheticconference #prophecy #encouragingword #glasgow #scotland #holyspirit #bees #momentum

Shall we post a few photos of the conference on Instagram?? If you see a friend,tag them and let us know what your favorite part of the conference was! • • • #start2018right #glasgowpropheticcentre #propheticconference #prophecy #encouragingword #glasgow #scotland #holyspirit

Shall we post a few photos of the conference on Instagram?? If you see a friend,tag them and let us know what your favorite part of the conference was!
#start2018right #glasgowpropheticcentre #propheticconference #prophecy #encouragingword #glasgow #scotland #holyspirit

"God is inviting you to come away from your busyness and let Him comb through your day to day, showing you what to let go of. There are knots that are holding you back from joy and tight places that you will only become bigger if they are left. Today, God wants to comb through and smooth them out. He's looking for your invitation to come and unravel these tight, sore places." ------ Read the rest of today's "Lion Bites" on our Facebook page and be sure to sign up for the daily "Lion Bites" email. • • • #lionbites #glasgowpropheticcentre #dailypropheticword #strongandvictorious #prophesy #spiritfilledlife #godisforyou #leavebusyness

"God is inviting you to come away from your busyness and let Him comb through your day to day, showing you what to let go of. There are knots that are holding you back from joy and tight places that you will only become bigger if they are left. Today, God wants to comb through and smooth them out. He's looking for your invitation to come and unravel these tight, sore places."
Read the rest of today's "Lion Bites" on our Facebook page and be sure to sign up for the daily "Lion Bites" email.
#lionbites #glasgowpropheticcentre #dailypropheticword  #strongandvictorious #prophesy #spiritfilledlife #godisforyou #leavebusyness

Whether you have a "valentine" or not today, know that you are loved with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). You are complete and whole in Jesus and you're His personal concern each and every day. Sending lots of love to you all from the Glasgow Prophetic Centre team. xx • • • #happyvalentinesday #glasgowpropheticcentre #propheticwords #dailyencouragement #holyspiritfilled #jesuslovesyou #childofgod

Whether you have a "valentine" or not today, know that you are loved with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). You are complete and whole in Jesus and you're His personal concern each and every day.

Sending lots of love to you all from the Glasgow Prophetic Centre team. xx
#happyvalentinesday #glasgowpropheticcentre #propheticwords #dailyencouragement #holyspiritfilled #jesuslovesyou #childofgod

"I saw a picture of lots of weapons being forged; guns, spears, swords and more. The image was scary and brought a sense of fear. But, as I watched, I heard the Lord say loudly, 'They can't touch or harm you! You are mine; the apple of my eye. I won't let anything come against you that you and I together can't handle. You and I are the majority.'" Read the rest of today's "Lion Bites" on our Facebook page and be sure to sign up for the daily "Lion Bites" email. • • • #lionbites #glasgowpropheticcentre #dailypropheticword #heaveninvadingearth #godandyouequalsmajority

"I saw a picture of lots of weapons being forged; guns, spears, swords and more. The image was scary and brought a sense of fear. But, as I watched, I heard the Lord say loudly, 'They can't touch or harm you! You are mine; the apple of my eye. I won't let anything come against you that you and I together can't handle. You and I are the majority.'" Read the rest of today's "Lion Bites" on our Facebook page and be sure to sign up for the daily "Lion Bites" email.
#lionbites #glasgowpropheticcentre #dailypropheticword #heaveninvadingearth #godandyouequalsmajority

Officially commissioned and released into the marketplace. Thank you everyone. #glasgowpropheticcentre #ciscotland #commissioned #marketplaceanoiting #christaininbusiness #courageousartsglobal #courageous #propheticart #business

Officially commissioned and released into the marketplace. Thank you everyone. #glasgowpropheticcentre #ciscotland #commissioned #marketplaceanoiting #christaininbusiness #courageousartsglobal #courageous #propheticart #business

Officially commissioned and released into the marketplace. Thank you everyone. #glasgowpropheticcentre #ciscotland #commissioned #marketplaceanoiting #christaininbusiness #courageousartsglobal #courageous #propheticart #business

Officially commissioned and released into the marketplace. Thank you everyone. #glasgowpropheticcentre #ciscotland #commissioned #marketplaceanoiting #christaininbusiness #courageousartsglobal #courageous #propheticart #business

God introduces Himself to the void earth He’s about to create in as a speaking God. It is the privilege of the created to tune into the sound of His voice, hear His words both written and spoken, and replay them in whatever way God empowers us to do so. Inspired words drive us into the depths of the creative nature of the always creating God. #listentoHisvoice #readwhatHehastosay #creativeGod

God introduces Himself to the void earth He’s about to create in as a speaking God. It is the privilege of the created to tune into the sound of His voice, hear His words both written and spoken, and replay them in whatever way God empowers us to do so. Inspired words drive us into the depths of the creative nature of the always creating God. #listentoHisvoice #readwhatHehastosay #creativeGod

"I want to bless your hands to build." • • • #glasgowpropheticcentre #glasgow #scotland #dailypropheticwords #propheticexcellence #encouragingwords

"I want to bless your hands to build."
#glasgowpropheticcentre #glasgow #scotland  #dailypropheticwords #propheticexcellence #encouragingwords

We've got an amazing team at Glasgow Prophetic Centre. Sweet smiles that come with sweet spirits. Everyone is working hard in prep for this coming weekend's "Start 2018 Right!" conference. Still time to get your ticket if you haven't yet! • • • #glasgowpropheticcentre #glasgow #scotland #start2018right #dailypropheticwords #propheticexcellence #encouragingwords #propheticconference #smilesfordays

We've got an amazing team at Glasgow Prophetic Centre. Sweet smiles that come with sweet spirits. Everyone is working hard in prep for this coming weekend's "Start 2018 Right!" conference. Still time to get your ticket if you haven't yet!
#glasgowpropheticcentre #glasgow #scotland #start2018right #dailypropheticwords #propheticexcellence #encouragingwords #propheticconference #smilesfordays
