Crofton Anne Dale Federation of Schools
Crofton Anne Dale Federation is a friendly infant & junior school, for children aged from 4 to 11 years, in the village of Stubbington, Hampshire.
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facebook.comLast chance to claim lost property from the Infant school office, we will be disposing of these items on Tuesday 27 March 2018.
To parents of Infant school girls - please check your child's shoes! One of our Year 1 girls is wearing a pair of shoes from George; one size 11 and one size 13. They have two right shoes and someone out there must have the lefts! They are black patent with black suede hearts. They've been missing a few days and could possibly have been swapped on Green Day which means it isn't necessarily a Year 1 child. If it is your child could you bring the shoes to Miss Wade's class to do a swap. Many thanks!
We are pleased to announce that we are having a Usborne book sale on Monday 12 March to celebrate last weeks world book day. We will be giving out £1.00 book tokens that can be redeemed against the purchase of a book, however if you would like to collect your child's book voucher before the Monday book sale please pop in to the Infant school office
Our schools are open this morning but closing at 1.15pm today. World Book Day dressing up is still happening as we know your children are very excited about it. Please dress them in warm clothes though and school shoes! We will let you know as soon as possible about Friday. If you decide not to bring your child in today could you give us a call to let us know. Many thanks.
Infant School - We're having a dress up day on World book day, Thursday 1 March 2018. Pupils can come in dressed as a character from a book but we ask that children still wear their school shoes on the day. We also have a bed time story session in the evening from 5.15 until 6.00pm. Details were sent out by e-mail on Monday 29 January, if you would like to attend please return the Bed time story slip by Friday 9 February.
Still places available on our after school yoga club starting Monday 15th January - 4 week course costs £20. Contact the junior school office if you would like to reserve a place for your child
One of our infant pupils has had her scooter taken from the bike/scooter area on the junior side. It is possibly a mistake as an identical scooter was left behind. Could everyone check their children's scooters to make sure they have the right one as the missing scooter was a Christmas present and the little girl is really disappointed. It is a 'Blindside 180 Street Scooter' and is a pinky purple colour. If you do happen to have it could you return it to the infant school on Monday. Thanks for looking!
Year R: Could parents check the name in their children's jumpers and cardigans as we have had several go missing in Year R. All clothing should be clearly named so we can return it to it's owner. We do have a few unnamed cardigans in the school office!
If anyone finds a small pink i-pod could you give Mrs Chandler a call on 07766 286754. It was lost on the way to Crofton Anne Dale Infant School this morning. Thank you!
Thank you to Dibbens for supporting our Christmas Fayre!
Year R Nursery Rhyme Week 13-17th November: Year R children can dress up as a nursery rhyme character on Friday 17th November. This can be as simple as you like. Please don't feel you have to order an expensive outfit as adapted clothes from home will be fine. For example, shorts t-shirt and a bucket for Jack and Jill. Here are a few nursery rhymes to give you some ideas! : Mary Mary quite contrary Baa Baa black sheep Ding dong bell Doctor Foster Hickory Dickory Dock Little Miss Muffet (no spiders in the office though :-) Old King Cole Little Bo Peep Jack and Jill If your child decides they don't want to dress up that's absolutely fine, they can come in school uniform.
Year R workshops in December: 11th December - Ladybirds 12th December - Bumblebees 13th December - Caterpillars One parent is invited to the workshop which will take place from 1.30-2.30pm. We will then stop for a cuppa and a chat and finish the day with some singing from the Year R children. Other family members will be invited to the singing part of the afternoon and we will give you more information closer to the time. Please note the dates above are different to the dates originally advertised on our school calendar due to unforeseen circumstances.